October 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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Me right now. Found out I failed yesterday and took today off from work. Getting on that Disney+ grind so calm myself down haha
Hey, yo, buddy, pal, friend.  *pat pat* These things happen.  I know it probably sucks doubly hear because so many people are posting about passing, but it takes a lot of strength to be one of the few people to actually post about failing.  PE pass rates are never that high.  You can try again and you will pass.  It took me three times before I passed.  Take the weekend.  Calm down.  Hydrate (real water!  Not hillbilly water!) and make a plan in maybe a week or two.

Give yourself two weeks of not thinking about the exam at all.  Enjoy the holidays and start the new year fresh!

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