April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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And this will be when I start stress eating!!! Maybe I should fast for a couple days.
You're *just* starting the stress eating? SHOW ME YOUR WAYS!

The PE process has not been kind to my waistline (neither was the marathon training in the middle of this freaking saga lol)

You're *just* starting the stress eating? SHOW ME YOUR WAYS!

The PE process has not been kind to my waistline (neither was the marathon training in the middle of this freaking saga lol)
The two sides of that equation don't cancel?

I was able to reread all of the questions and wrote down most of the questions on the exam after leaving the exam room.

I know what I missed, what I got correct and what I guessed. I would be very surprised if I had to retake it.

The two sides of that equation don't cancel?
Not really. It is really easy (and common) to gain weight while marathon training. Because of the rungries. And the "I just ran 20 miles, I can eat all the food" 

Do the opposite. Go to the gym and do cardio to burn off the stress. I got in pretty good shape waiting for results the second time.
I would LOVE TO. This cycle jacked up my hip flexor so walking has been painful. It's finally better so the moving can happen. So excited. Except hiking conditions are awful right now so really I can't win. I can run mostly painfree now so at least I have that going for me 

Hip flexor injuries suck. That derailed me two years ago. It's a huge muscle so it takes forever to heal; and its in a inconvenient place so there are limited exercises to aid in rehabbing. 
It's been rough. My doc released my psoas so that helped but so have these drills by my new PT. But it makes me so happy I  dropped out of my marathon for this spring lol

You're *just* starting the stress eating? SHOW ME YOUR WAYS!
I feel like I've held myself together pretty well this time around. When I was studying my downfall was energy drinks and skittles, but I would only let myself have them if I was doing at least a 4 hr session. When I eat stupid it typically includes sugar and caffeine and it messes up my sleep big time. This is the week I'll probably lose all sound reasoning. 

Me and my guy are taking a kid free beach vacay in a couple weeks and I just ordered a new bathing suit online. I'll definitely be trying to keep it in check.   :laugh:

Do the opposite. Go to the gym and do cardio to burn off the stress.
So I did a Warrior Dash the weekend after the test. I was super nervous because I hadn't been working out much. We get to the an obstacle and I see that once you make the 30+ foot climb you go down a slide. I get super stoked because I LOVE slides (no I'm not a 5 yr old). So I make the climb up and start going down the slide.....at some point I caught air and didn't land until the bottom of the slide. I have been sitting on a donut ever since. I think my tailbone is starting to heal but holy crap. That sucked!!! I haven't been working out because I was told to only walk and at most do the elliptical or swim.

This cycle jacked up my hip flexor so walking has been painful.
That sucks!!! I hate hip flexors with a passion. That muscle always gets tight/sore/fatigued before any other of my muscles. I take bootcamp classes and the workouts are posted on white boards. One time I walked in and saw we were doing bear crawls for our finisher. I turned around and walked out. I wasn't really feeling it that day anyways. Maybe some yoga would help???


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