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my wifes aunt and uncle live on (no joke) 1000 acres in south georgia, they have about 4 great danes that roam the property, they are actually pretty friendly dogs, but if they suspect your up to no good your in trouble...
once I showed up late to a family event there and they all came up to my car and I didnt feel all that great trying to get out of the car to be honest.
I grew up on a farm and we always had Australian Shepards. Nice dogs, unless they are not familiar with you. I don't know how many travellling salemen that we watched from the house run back to their car, and jump through open windows to get away from the dogs chasing them. The dogs we had never bit anyone and I don't think they would have, but dang did they give chase. They definitely had a different disposition than the border collies and blue heelers we had. The Aussies were very protective.

As for the break-in - sorry wilheld, that really sucks. If the realtors left the door unlocked, you might want to "touch base" with YOUR realtor to give a heads up, like: "hey, you know we've been feeling a little uncomfortable since we found last week that our sliding glass door was left unlocked after a visit. Can I have you please double check after a visit to make sure all doors are locked before you leave? Thanks."

You don't have to go into details, but make them aware that if they visit, they should be smart enough to lock up when they are done.

When you get paid as much (read: little) as they do, it's hard to care. I'm not saying it's right, but it happens.

they knew what the pay was when they signed up for the job.
You would assume they would look into what the job description and pay scale would be before they started but like most of us, they looked at the stereotype of the job and said "I want to do that." Then after several years on the job, they just don't want to go back to school to learn to do something they really *want* to do, and would prefer to maintain the status quo.

The ones I know who went into law enforcement, went in for the "action" and perceived power of the job. Investigating a laptop theft usually doesn't offer much of either (sorry wil). If it was up to the ones I know (at least when they first signed up), they would have shootouts, high speed chases, and the like every day. Now that they've been on the job for a while, they prefer to not do a damn thing because of the paperwork behind everything they do. Giving traffic tickets is probably the *easiest* thing for them to do as far as paperwork is concerned, because it's usually just a single page form that's filled out in the car during the stop. Doing this is also a good way for them to "look busy."

just my $0.02

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Man, that sucks. A friend of mine got robbed on Christmas day while he was attending a Christmas party. I'm always worried about that.

I agree with the dogs recommendation. We have a bunch of half-feral dogs around our place that we feed, but don't really care for (I know, I know... different culture out here OK?) and they guard our place viciously.

I grew up on a farm and we always had Australian Shepards. Nice dogs, unless they are not familiar with you. I don't know how many travellling salemen that we watched from the house run back to their car, and jump through open windows to get away from the dogs chasing them. The dogs we had never bit anyone and I don't think they would have, but dang did they give chase. They definitely had a different disposition than the border collies and blue heelers we had. The Aussies were very protective.
Our dog is an Aussie shepard. You can't get the b@stard to shutup when someone shows up at the door, and even when the person comes in and is clearly "ok" with me or wife or whatever, he'll still follow after them puffin' & growling. Awesome guard dog, but can be a PITA just by virtue of their protectiveness. but i sure sleep soundly knowing ain't a d@mn thing getting into our house / garage, hell our cars in the driveway, without him letting us know 'bout it.

my wifes aunt and uncle live on (no joke) 1000 acres in south georgia, they have about 4 great danes that roam the property, they are actually pretty friendly dogs, but if they suspect your up to no good your in trouble...once I showed up late to a family event there and they all came up to my car and I didnt feel all that great trying to get out of the car to be honest.
I got jumped by a great dane when i was middle school aged +-. F#cker clamped onto my left arm at the bicep, when i walked into my grandmother's cottage that my folks were renting out - he belonged to the people who were there renting it out, and i had been invited in, the dog just perceived me as an intruder when i walked in unsuspecting. Only breed of dog i dislike sight unseen by default - nothing would convince me otherwise.

Sorry to hear of the breakin Wildheld if its any consolation, I woke up this morning to 59 degree house! $500 later and i got heat again - fixing the problem they had been out 3 wks ago to fix, which only cost $98 <_<

It looks like I am going to get a new laptop out of the deal, which is the only thing that I wanted to replace anyway. I still can't believe the morons didn't take some of the stuff they left behind, but oh well. All things considered, I came out of this relatively unscathed.

I'm pretty much hosed unless one of the items turns up at a pawn shop.
You might be surprised how quickly that happens. When the rims were stolen off my Charger, they were at the pawn shop in two days. Arrests were made shortly thereafter.

^ great, so our entire criminal justice system, and for that matter our safety, hinges on a bunch of lazy fat ***** who want to "look busy"
You make sure you tell them that next time you need them.

LEOs do a thankless job, and an important one. I respect them the same way I respect the military. Both groups keep us safe, and I am thankful for their efforts.

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I still can't believe the morons didn't take some of the stuff they left behind, but oh well.
Years ago a friend of mine had his car stolen. The idiots who stole it must have taken it joy riding, they found it a few days later crashed into a brick wall at the bottom of a grassed hill (the car only had minor cosmetic damage) filled with beer bottles. They took a cheap subwoofer he had in the back but left his golf clubs which were sitting right next to it. He was/is a big golfer so they were really nice clubs, he couldn't believe they didn't take them (and we relieved to get them back). They were infinitely more valuable then the subwoofer they stole.

I'm pretty much hosed unless one of the items turns up at a pawn shop.
You might be surprised how quickly that happens. When the rims were stolen off my Charger, they were at the pawn shop in two days. Arrests were made shortly thereafter.

^ great, so our entire criminal justice system, and for that matter our safety, hinges on a bunch of lazy fat ***** who want to "look busy"
You make sure you tell them that next time you need them.

LEOs do a thankless job, and an important one. I respect them the same way I respect the military. Both groups keep us safe, and I am thankful for their efforts.
^^That's just it, I don't want to start a debate here, but the only time I have needed them (the 3 times that my car has been burglarized and the times my parents and grandparents house was burglarized), they're totally f-in worthless, it takes damn near an act of congress to get them to even file a police report. The way we recovered the stolen goods was by doing our own police work (i.e. looking in pawn shops, etc.) and the cops didn't do ****. Yet they've got plenty of time to give people stupid traffic tickets for driving 5 mph over the speed limit. Thus the reason for the 12 gauge Benelli and the alarm system in my house, I know the police will be worthless so I'll take matters into my own hands.

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The vast majority of thieves are both stupid and lazy. If somebody is neither of those things, they can usually find a way to turn a buck that doesn't involve the possibility of jail time.

The vast majority of thieves are both stupid and lazy.
Quite true. I'd say only about 4% are smart and industrious, from my experiences teaching drafting in a prison.
Actually, the small percentage of smart thieves are the ones that nobody knows about because they are smart enough to not get caught. There was a story on American Greed about a jewel thief that stole jewelry from lots of high-profile targets (mainly Hollywood types). After he gave up the business, he waited for the statute of limitations to run out on his crimes, then started selling his story. He was a brilliant thief.

i wouldn't be surprised if your house gets targeted again Wilheld. A successful breakin (unlocked door, pretty tuff), a house thats up for sale, where poss some of the stuff they did not take was noted anyways...if the thieves are dumb & aggressive enough, they just might plan another visit.

Chucktown - cops deserve a break! They're stretched too thin as it is and continuously losing ranks thru cutbacks, doing work that brings back very little return (satisfaction or monetary), by & large fighting losing battles all the way around; from these type of petty thefts to murders, rapes & abductions.

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i wouldn't be surprised if your house gets targeted again Wilheld. A successful breakin (unlocked door, pretty tuff), a house thats up for sale, where poss some of the stuff they did not take was noted anyways...if the thieves are dumb & aggressive enough, they just might plan another visit.
I agree, but mostly because of some pimply faced little punk knocking on my door Sunday morning. He asked how to get information about my house, and when I told him that it was already sold, he mumbled something and walked away. I think he was just checking to see if anybody was at home. If I wasn't there, I think I would have gotten robbed again. But I also think that school-age kids did this, so my chances of getting robbed during the week are diminished somewhat. My mom went over and ate lunch at my place yesterday, and intends to pay random visits over there to deter would-be thieves from trying anything (if somebody is visiting at odd times, maybe they'll be more wary of trying anything). I just hope that I can hold them off until I close on the new place and get the hell out of Dodge.

The vast majority of thieves are both stupid and lazy.
Quite true. I'd say only about 4% are smart and industrious, from my experiences teaching drafting in a prison.
Actually, the small percentage of smart thieves are the ones that nobody knows about because they are smart enough to not get caught. There was a story on American Greed about a jewel thief that stole jewelry from lots of high-profile targets (mainly Hollywood types). After he gave up the business, he waited for the statute of limitations to run out on his crimes, then started selling his story. He was a brilliant thief.
Oh, yeah, but those are even rarer.

I'd say of the 4% that are smart and industrious, 95% of those learn their lesson and go straight.

The vast majority of thieves are both stupid and lazy.
Quite true. I'd say only about 4% are smart and industrious, from my experiences teaching drafting in a prison.
Actually, the small percentage of smart thieves are the ones that nobody knows about because they are smart enough to not get caught. There was a story on American Greed about a jewel thief that stole jewelry from lots of high-profile targets (mainly Hollywood types). After he gave up the business, he waited for the statute of limitations to run out on his crimes, then started selling his story. He was a brilliant thief.
Oh, yeah, but those are even rarer.

I'd say of the 4% that are smart and industrious, 95% of those learn their lesson and go straight.
IMO it's not that they learned their lesson, but more that they had aquired enough to pursue what they really wanted to do without financial worry.

Well, I was in Dayton overnight, and the fuckers tried to break in again. I had put a board in the sliding door so they couldn't open it, but they sure as hell tried. They tried to use my grill brush as a pry bar to get the door open, but they only got it to crack open at the top. Now I have another board at the top, and a padlock on my gate leading to the back yard. If I ever get my hands on those bastards, they are going to wish they'd never been born.

Makes you almost want to setup a trap, huh?

That would annoy the **** out of me.


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