October PE Results?

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I received the email today (Dec 16) at 3:12 p.m (I'm from Washington). I logged in to NCEES website to request result sending via email. Then, I waited for 45 minutes for the result. I could feel my heart beating really hard during that time of waiting. But I finally received the email with one attachment saying that I pass. I feel really happy and excited.

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AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! I just got the NOTIFICATION email saying that my scores are ready, and to log onto the ELSES web site. I KNOW THAT ALREADY!
so log on to the site, it will send you an e-mail with a letter telling you if you passed or not.

Congrats to you if you passed. If you didn't, don't get discouraged. It took some of us (including me) many times. Never give up.

We did not have time to do the joke about resutls. Darn....NCEES is putting their number together.

:multiplespotting: Congrats to all the new PEs :multiplespotting:

because i knew i passed, why the attitude? get over it.
Arrogance invites ruin; humility receives benefits.

Be aware that the only attitude Mary has is an unbelieveable encouraging and positive one. She has close to 4000 posts on this website giving advice and encouragement to all those taking this exam.

Congrats on passing and I hope it is confidence you are expressing and not arrogance.

I'm with Merry Mary. You don't have to be a d1ck about it.

dont be so sensitive....you would think being an engineer, you should be confident in your work...give me a break with this arrogance crap.

peace i am outta this forum.

congrats to all those who passed!

dont be so sensitive....you would think being an engineer, you should be confident in your work...give me a break with this arrogance crap.
peace i am outta this forum.

congrats to all those who passed!
don't worry, we weren't holding our breath hoping you'd stick around...


I just called the TN board and they said they haven't even received the results from NCEES yet. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
For all those Tennesseans that aren't familiar with the process, here is my experience. Tennessee is not a direct email or direct mail state and they don't post results on their website. The board usually doesn't send the letters out until after Christmas. Usually arriving Dec 31st to the first few weeks of January. I wouldn't expect anything for a bit.

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Congratulations to all they passed

i didnt pass for first time

this is my report

Breadth - Construction 38

Breadth - Geotechnical 38

Breadth - Structural 88

Breadth - Transportation 38

Breadth - Water/Envir 62

Earthwork Construction and Layout 25

Estimating Quantities and Costs 29

Construction Operations and Methods 17

scheduling 57

Material Quality Control and Production 50

Temporary Structures 20

Worker Health, Safety, and Environment 33

Other Topics 50
