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One of my favorites is from my sister: "Don't roll your eyes at me. I can knock them out of your head and roll them across the floor." She may have gotten it from somebody else, but the first time I heard her say it, I laughed hysterically.
I know what you mean. Every time I heard, "I'll knock you into the middle of next week," I'd think, "Man, that'd be cool."

One time in the car, I was drawing on myself with a pen. Mom said, "Don't do that!" When i saked why, she said, "Because the ink will make you grow claws."

By the end of the drive, I'd given myself sleeves. And I got a whippin'.

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Reason 2 for Supe to never have kids: They'd sound like drunken sailors by age 2.
My favorite saying as a child was "sum bitch"... learned from my grandpa.

I would also pretend to spit chew just like him in a little cup I had to carry around.

My mom said it was a process to break me of it before I went to kindergarten.

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If there is nothing that he NEEDS, close the door and let him cry!
When my younger one was about a year old, I took her in for a checkup and the pediatrician asked if she was sleeping through the night. When I told him that she had been, but was not any more, he gave me the insight to realize that a baby was making me miserable. If you want details, I'll share them, but within a week we were all sleeping better.
We did that for 3 weeks straight and got tired of it when he was screaming SOOO loud that we couldn't sleep anyway. This is our 3rd kid. We thought we had it figured out. It's just easier to spend 30-45 minutes once a night instead of hearing him scream for 3 hours from 1 to 4AM (No Kidding he will do it, believe me - 3 WEEKS STRAIGHT - stubborn little bastard).

PS - it's gotten worse lately because he's teething. His mouth looks like it's going to explode. So, hitting him with tylenol and teething tablets in the middle of the night makes sense if he goes back to sleep easily.

PS - it's gotten worse lately because he's teething. His mouth looks like it's going to explode. So, hitting him with tylenol and teething tablets in the middle of the night makes sense if he goes back to sleep easily.
We do baby Motrin. It lasts longer, and seems to taste a little better. He almost always goes back to sleep within 15 minutes.

I had a friend who tried the cry-it-out method when her 7 month old was teething. She said that she didn't want him to become dependent on medicine to sleep. WTF??? I know that it's hard for me to sleep if I'm in pain... she kept saying "I know he's in pain, but if I give him medicine, then he'll always expect it." My response was "Well, yes, for the next 12 years or so, he will expect you to administer medicine to him when he's in pain."

I should probably clarify that we do give our kids medicine. Usually we can tell if there's somethine else given the tone of the screaming. If they're sick, have an ear infection, are teething, etc. we give them medicine then rock them to sleep.

We used the tylenol/motrin and teething tablets. Teething tablets were our lifesaver. When his molars came in, it was awful. They all came in at the same time and the poor little guy was sick. Trust me, we have been up with him at night when he's sick, but we used the cry-it-out to get him over the "Hey, I'm up! Is anyone else up?!" midnight feedings and cuddle time.

I think that's one of those things you need to be all in with or otherwise you are doing a disservice to everyone involved. I cringe when I hear people say their marriage is on the rocks so they've decided to have a kid to bring them closer together.
Well said. People all the time ask me if I have kids and when I say no, they say: "Everybody should have kids. You'd like them if they were your own." I always promptly respond back with: "People who don't want kids shouldn't have them."

I usually tell them "Biblical scholars say me having kids would be the fourth sign of the apocolypse." That usually ends all conversation on the matter.

My favorite saying as a child was "sum bitch"... learned from my grandpa.I would also pretend to spit chew just like him in a little cup I had to carry around.

My mom said it was a process to break me of it before I went to kindergarten.
That is too funny! All I can picture are the two kids from Talladega Nights. "I'm all hopped up on Mountain Dew!"

RIF = Reduction in Force. Sorry to hear it BluSkyy.

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I am not having a good day. My basement flooded last night due to a nearly constant rain over the past four days. I spent most of the night bailing it out (my basement has no sump). Fortunately nothing got ruined. The only valuable things down there are the furnace and water heater.

I'm going to a conference on stormwater all day. Woo hoo!
Can you model the stormwater around my basement so it doesn't flood again?
