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I am not having a good day. My basement flooded last night due to a nearly constant rain over the past four days. I spent most of the night bailing it out (my basement has no sump). Fortunately nothing got ruined. The only valuable things down there are the furnace and water heater.

Can you model the stormwater around my basement so it doesn't flood again?

That sucks, Mudpuppy :(

My parents were cleaning out/reorganizing our basement some years back, when a combination of heavy storms and our moron neighbor's pool filter caused it to flood. The water level came up about a foot and a half, and they lost of lot of old wedding photos/photos from when they were dating.

BlySkyy, sorry about the RIF, you're not affected are you?

Mudpuppy, hope this isn't a common occurance. My inlaws dealt with a similar situation recently. Be glad you don't have 30 years of accumulation in your basement. What a mess!!!! Good luck with the cleanup.

I am not having a good day. My basement flooded last night due to a nearly constant rain over the past four days. I spent most of the night bailing it out (my basement has no sump). Fortunately nothing got ruined. The only valuable things down there are the furnace and water heater.
Ouch. That's no fun at all.

Mine got water again this last weekend too. It only got the carpet wet but I've been drying it out for the last three days. Looks like I have a leak to fix and replacing the flooring in the basement has just jumped up the priority list. My biggest problem is that my office is down here in the middle of it.

Home for lunch; my basement needed a bailout. Still no damage and it looks like the water is coming in slower than it was. Whew.

But I got my mail and in it is a corrected 1098 from the credit union. Now I have to refile my taxes! Not a good day.

Home for lunch; my basement needed a bailout. Still no damage and it looks like the water is coming in slower than it was. Whew.
But I got my mail and in it is a corrected 1098 from the credit union. Now I have to refile my taxes! Not a good day.
It's not a's a loan to help the basement stay dry.

Oh, and I pulled something in my back doing all the water-hauling.
I'm having a bad day for a related reason.

My sciatica is back. I injured a disc (L4-L5) back in 1999 while powerlifting. I must have re-injured it but I don't know how. I am having trouble walking, steps are killing me, and sitting, standing, lying are all becoming difficult. It's making me on edge.

I'll probably be doped up on painkillers by weeks end. :(

I'm having a bad day for a related reason.
My sciatica is back. I injured a disc (L4-L5) back in 1999 while powerlifting. I must have re-injured it but I don't know how. I am having trouble walking, steps are killing me, and sitting, standing, lying are all becoming difficult. It's making me on edge.

I'll probably be doped up on painkillers by weeks end. :(
Sorry to hear about the back issues, mp and DV. Here's hoping you guys get healthy soon.

I think mine is just a sore muscle, so hopefully it will clear up in a few days. DVINNY's sounds much more serious. Hope it gets better on its own buddy.

meh, I'll be fine.

Just cranky for a while. :bawling:
Hey, teammate! Why is it okay for guys to be cranky for a while when they hurt their back and if a girl has bad cramps and is cranky that's not alright?

Today is going to be a GLORIOUS day!

Well, maybe. It has the potential to be either really good or the day from hell. Either way, I'm ready for it.


My boss is back in today, and the spreadsheet we were FINALLY sent to test out our new software is so erroneous and incomplete, we can't do anything with it.

I can't even be happy that tomorrow is my Friday off, because I think I'm going to be stuck coming in here at least part of the day.

No bueno.

My boss is back in today, and the spreadsheet we were FINALLY sent to test out our new software is so erroneous and incomplete, we can't do anything with it.
I can't even be happy that tomorrow is my Friday off, because I think I'm going to be stuck coming in here at least part of the day.

No bueno.

Yeah, we're going to need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday as well.

Yeah, we're going to need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday as well.
I may be coming in a lot more than that for that matter. In North Carolina.

Turns out the client has questioned our welding program on a project, since it's headed by QC and our QC manager there is overwhelmed. They're worried about the correct welding procedures being applied, NDE assignment, etc, so the client went straight to our division president and requested a full time welding engineer on site. As luck would have it, I happen to be the only welding engineer this division has.

So unless I do some spectacular presentation to convince them that things are fine as they are (which in all honesty, they're not, thanks to the piping and boiler guys), then I'm probably packing it up and heading east.

I may be coming in a lot more than that for that matter. In North Carolina.

Turns out the client has questioned our welding program on a project, since it's headed by QC and our QC manager there is overwhelmed. They're worried about the correct welding procedures being applied, NDE assignment, etc, so the client went straight to our division president and requested a full time welding engineer on site. As luck would have it, I happen to be the only welding engineer this division has.

So unless I do some spectacular presentation to convince them that things are fine as they are (which in all honesty, they're not, thanks to the piping and boiler guys), then I'm probably packing it up and heading east.

Cool. The Carolinas are great, I'm more partial to the Southern variety but they're both spectacular states. Where in NC?

Cool. The Carolinas are great, I'm more partial to the Southern variety but they're both spectacular states. Where in NC?
Right down near the South Carolina border, about an hour west of Charlotte.

I've got mixed feelings about going. It's a HUGE 800MW plant, and to be the site welding engineer would be a huge resume booster, and the guys I'd be working directly under are OK. But the project itself is VERY disjointed, the site management leaves a LOT to be desired, and they've been running off some of our best guys. I have a feeling that me trying to be even remotely productive would be a never-ending political battle.

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