Could Today be It?

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I called NCEES and drilled them with a bunch of questions. She stuck with "the results will be released in the normal 8-10 week time frame". I then asked if she thinks they will be released today and she said "No I dont believe they will be released today." So take it as you will.

Just talked with the NCEES fake chat lady and she says that the results will not be released today !!!
Bummer. Hopefully she's misinformed, but at the same time that wouldn't surprise me. I hate NCEES so much right now.
You have no idea how much I'm hating this right now !!! The exam is supposed to be for "professionals" run by a bunch of

nincompoops !!!

Aw come on people, leave the NCEES folks alone to do their jobs. Our results will come in at some point, and I can't imagine it helps to interrupt them and force them to say the same lines over and over.

I highly doubt that the online reps have anything to do with the processing and distribution of results, though I agree we should probably not nag them about the release date.

I highly doubt that the online reps have anything to do with the processing and distribution of results, though I agree we should probably not nag them about the release date.

I'm sure you're correct that it's not the same folks - which really makes the exercise that much more pointless. I feel bad for those poor reps who keep having to answer the same question over and over.

We know there were delays this year, and we know why. I'm as eager as the next person to get my results, but c'mon...

NCEES is probably regretting adding that Online Chat feature now...probably not as many folks contacting them when you had to call on the phone and go through the voice options etc.

Just talked with the NCEES fake chat lady and she says that the results will not be released today !!!
Bummer. Hopefully she's misinformed, but at the same time that wouldn't surprise me. I hate NCEES so much right now.
You have no idea how much I'm hating this right now !!! The exam is supposed to be for "professionals" run by a bunch of

nincompoops !!!
Oh trust me, I'm with you! I'm trying to stay patient and positive, but I'll never understand how it takes these people so long to grade a damned scantron from a test that isn't that dissimilar from a bunch of questions I'd find in my college textbooks. I guess it's their hobby to unnecessarily obfuscate the straightforward.

I wish I could get away with this in my day job. I'd love to be able to tell a client it'll take me 8-10 weeks to finish the design, and then not give them any status updates of where I'm at until they have the finished product in hand. I'm starting to have dreams of being the EOR on the new NCEES headquarters and then doing just that so they'll know what it's like.

I personally haven't bothered the NCEES chat people, but I don't have a problem nagging them until they release the results. It's their own fault for being as transparent as a steel plate. They could choose to release the results by discipline (sucks for the petroleum guys, but at least the rest of us would know), or choose to release the raw scores to us so that we can make of them what we will, but they don't. They keep us in the dark until all exams are scored and the state boards are notified of final (adjusted?) scores.

NCEES has zero competition, thus they have little incentive to streamline the process or be responsive to our concerns. Nagging them is the only effective means we have to signal to them that we aren't pleased with them dragging ass at getting this done.

we need josef to pump some sunshine in here. He said by 2pm today we will know. Come of josef... get pumping!

In his thread "Why we wait," Sap said it better than I ever could (also pasted below):

This year is longer than the "typical" 40 days of the last few years, but we know why.

I carpool with a fella who just took the PE. He's also a member of this board, but I won't dime him out here. Anyway, during our 45 minute car rides together we often have time to talk about a great many things and earlier this week on our way in to work, of course the topic of the exam results wait time came up. Having now been a member of this board for 8 years, I've seen all the complaints, I've made the complaints myself, but lets walk through why we wait, just so it's here, and so everybody knows the situation. But first, a couple of interesting facts that you may not have known.

Bar Exam results take longer. From what I can tell, the Bar exam is generally administered in July each year (any lawyers who want to correct me feel free) and results aren't usually released until November. That's worse than we have it, for sure.

Medical Board results take about three months. This is also currently longer than PE exam results. A few years ago, PE results took about 3 months, but now it's down to about 6 weeks. Medical professionals wait longer.

So, okay, so others have it worse than we do, sucks to be them, we're not lawyers or doctors, why can't we get our results faster? The reason is simple, because the results really matter. If you were taking a cosmetology test, it'd be pretty ridiculous to wait for two months for the results. Your practice of cosmetology will not result in dead people, most likely, if you do something wrong. However, as engineers, what we design and calculate has real meaning and real implications in the real world with regard to health, safety, and welfare. This may not be true for all engineering professions, but it certainly is for the majority of them. While we can easily fall back on the old adage of "well, my work gets reviewed by so many people anyway, it's never going to get built wrong" we know that is simply a cop out. When those other people retire and move on, if you haven't been thoroughly tested, you won't be able to review the younger folks. The entire profession will decline. So, a testing procedure that is taken very seriously and statistically measured and calibrated and adjusted is one of the responsible things our profession can do to ensure quality engineers. No, it isn't perfect, and many bad engineers slip through and perform bad work, but it's the best thing we can do. So, the exam gets scrutinized, and the results get evaluated to ensure that the test was sufficient, that the security was intact, and that all of the potential issues have been worked out. You either accept this fact or not, but moving forward, let's now talk about what all these steps are.

According to NCEES, each exam is automatically graded by machine (the scantron) and then a sample of those are taken and manually graded. I don't know the number of manually graded score cards, but we can assume that the math has been done to provide a statistically significant sample size by NCEES. Now, there are some 30,000 examinees each administration (per NCEES video, which equates to 60,000 exam score sheets accounting for both morning and afternoon. If they sample 10%, that's 6,000 sheets that need to be manually graded. That right there will take some time. So, let's assign a random value to that, let's say it take s a week to mail in all of the exams to NCEES after the exam (Friday, they won't move till Monday, get to NCEES between Tuesday and Friday of the following week). Then lets say it takes one person 5 minutes to manually grade one score card. That equates to 750 hours of hand scoring. If one person was doing all of them, it would be 18.75 weeks. So, say they put 10 people on this task, then theoretically they'd have them all done in about two weeks. That's now three weeks after the exam. Then they have to compare the manually graded results to the computer scored results, let's give that a week (including running the statistical analysis). So now we're up to 4 weeks. At this point they've probably noticed some outlying data points and need to evaluate why this is the case. Let's give this a week. Up to five now or about 35 calendar days. Now it's time to start notifying the boards of the results. Boards say, got it acknowledged, go ahead and release results (and of course each board takes a different amount of time to do this), so we start seeing results pour in and lo and behold, this is happening around the 40 day mark, which is consistent with the results release times we've been seeing for the past few years.

Now, the state specific surveying exam results on the other hand, we shoulda had that shit yesterday!
I can appreciate that this exam isn't trivial and I definitely wouldn't expect them to have grades out the following week. It really is more than a simple scantron, so that much is fine. However, it's not like the questions they ask are rocket surgery; most are straightforward, some are tricky. A company that has one job to do--offer testing services for technical professions--should have this process fairly well streamlined by now. They shouldn't be scheduling meetings to figure out the cut score for a small percentage of tests after they would've completed the entire process from start to finish in previous years.

Besides, at this point it's not like most of us are waiting on NCEES to grade exams and figure out cut scores. Whether we've passed or failed is already determined, and the answer is sitting in a database somewhere; all that's needed is for somebody to come along and hit send. There's no reason they couldn't release results by discipline as the results are finalized, but they don't do that. The state boards somehow manage to keep track of thousands of applicants sending forms in piece by piece, so I'm sure they could manage getting the Mechanical results one day, Civil the next and Petroleum when the day comes that the Earth runs out of the stuff.

Sorry if I come across as harsh. I know you're in the same boat too and probably want results just as much as the rest of us, so I don't want to seem as if I'm taking my frustrations out on you. You're just looking at the bright side, so keep on having a happy day. My beef is with NCEES, not innocent third parties. :)

More importantly, beef is delicious!

Which reminds me: I promised myself that if I passed, I'd treat myself to a nice medium-rare bone-in ribeye at Ruth's Chris and a cold draft beer. I even have my sides picked out! I just want steak, dammit, and it's NCEES's fault!

Sorry if I come across as harsh. I know you're in the same boat too and probably want results just as much as the rest of us, so I don't want to seem as if I'm taking my frustrations out on you. You're just looking at the bright side, so keep on having a happy day. My beef is with NCEES, not innocent third parties. :)

No worries, I didn't read it in a harsh tone at all. I agree wholeheartedly that it would be nice if they would release them by discipline. Or, in the case of this year, make some sort of announcement that the Petroleum results are experiencing a delay and release the rest.

More importantly, beef is delicious!

Now I want a burger....

How late in the day is it safe to assume that it will not be happening today?

I can appreciate that this exam isn't trivial and I definitely wouldn't expect them to have grades out the following week. It really is more than a simple scantron, so that much is fine. However, it's not like the questions they ask are rocket surgery; most are straightforward, some are tricky. A company that has one job to do--offer testing services for technical professions--should have this process fairly well streamlined by now. They shouldn't be scheduling meetings to figure out the cut score for a small percentage of tests after they would've completed the entire process from start to finish in previous years.

Besides, at this point it's not like most of us are waiting on NCEES to grade exams and figure out cut scores. Whether we've passed or failed is already determined, and the answer is sitting in a database somewhere; all that's needed is for somebody to come along and hit send. There's no reason they couldn't release results by discipline as the results are finalized, but they don't do that. The state boards somehow manage to keep track of thousands of applicants sending forms in piece by piece, so I'm sure they could manage getting the Mechanical results one day, Civil the next and Petroleum when the day comes that the Earth runs out of the stuff.

Sorry if I come across as harsh. I know you're in the same boat too and probably want results just as much as the rest of us, so I don't want to seem as if I'm taking my frustrations out on you. You're just looking at the bright side, so keep on having a happy day. My beef is with NCEES, not innocent third parties. :)

I agree. They released the scores for the PS a few weeks ago, what's the difference if they let out different PE's scores out at different times too? This whole thing just make no sense with these NCEES folks. I don't feel sorry for them. If I performed they way they do at my job, I wouldn't have a job. :violin:

Sorry if I come across as harsh. I know you're in the same boat too and probably want results just as much as the rest of us, so I don't want to seem as if I'm taking my frustrations out on you. You're just looking at the bright side, so keep on having a happy day. My beef is with NCEES, not innocent third parties. :)

No worries, I didn't read it in a harsh tone at all. I agree wholeheartedly that it would be nice if they would release them by discipline. Or, in the case of this year, make some sort of announcement that the Petroleum results are experiencing a delay and release the rest.

More importantly, beef is delicious!

Now I want a burger....
I guess it's the lack of transparency that has me all riled up today. I really was doing fine until this morning.

Mmm, burgers. I suppose that'll have to do in lieu of my steak dinner if the results don't go out today!

More importantly, beef is delicious!

Which reminds me: I promised myself that if I passed, I'd treat myself to a nice medium-rare bone-in ribeye at Ruth's Chris and a cold draft beer. I even have my sides picked out! I just want steak, dammit, and it's NCEES's fault!
I have a bottle of Old Forrestor Birthday Blend to crack into when i pass. And a ribeye will be purchased as well.


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