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100 gallons of water, 3 months of MRI's, and 1000 rds in every caliber. That should do it.

if that water is just to cook the MRE's; it may be just enough. Be sure to get the winter variety; they'll hold better when you find that 3 months isn't enough; especially since winter is about to set in...

Although, winter is probably the best time for the zombie hordes to start, they'll freeze solid in the arctic and subarctic areas, making it easier to clear them out before the next spring / summer. This will probably make it one of the safer areas for refuge.

Better pack the bunny boots!

This is the exact reason I keep pestering my husband to let me buy a gun. He's gonna feel real stupid when all we have to defend ourselves against the zombie hordes is a tire iron and a few 3-inch knives.

^^Words to the wise, YMZ. Go to a gun show and pay cash if you are looking to make such a purchase.

Take the cash money out slowly, as well.

Big brother is watching.

^^Gun show loophole...

Not worried about waiting....worried about Big Brother knowing my bidness. No registration required of guns purchased at gun shows.

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This is the exact reason I keep pestering my husband to let me buy a gun. He's gonna feel real stupid when all we have to defend ourselves against the zombie hordes is a tire iron and a few 3-inch knives.
But knives and tire irons don't need reloading....at least that is what my trusty zombie survival guide says. ;)

I'd probably go the route that Darrell did in The Walking Dead. Crossbow. :thumbs:

why I like the gun in my night stand... 5 shots...I can get that many off and if I miss them completly (which is doubtful), I can shoot those five shots fast enough that after if they manage to get the gun from me, the worst they can do with it is beat me up with it...

This is the exact reason I keep pestering my husband to let me buy a gun. He's gonna feel real stupid when all we have to defend ourselves against the zombie hordes is a tire iron and a few 3-inch knives.
But knives and tire irons don't need reloading....at least that is what my trusty zombie survival guide says. ;)

I'd probably go the route that Darrell did in The Walking Dead. Crossbow. :thumbs:
We own a crossbow!

This is the exact reason I keep pestering my husband to let me buy a gun. He's gonna feel real stupid when all we have to defend ourselves against the zombie hordes is a tire iron and a few 3-inch knives.
But knives and tire irons don't need reloading....at least that is what my trusty zombie survival guide says. ;)

I'd probably go the route that Darrell did in The Walking Dead. Crossbow. :thumbs:
Are zombie skulls squishy enough for a spring gun to penetrate? I would think so, seeing how the speed is 1200fps, making a spring gun an awesome zombie assassination weapon.

^^^ I would agree if not for the single shot capacity of the Phantom 2000. It would be like Civil War era, having to jam another round in the barrel without dropping it on the ground or mashing your trembling fingers when you close the barrel, and then aim and shoot straight, all while hordes of shuffling zombies are coming to suck your brains. No thanks. Give me 1000 rounds and a drum mag.

Now zombie squirrels.. that's a whole 'nuther thing.

Hmm, if you got bitten by a zombie squirrel, would that turn you zombie? I'm not taking any chances and doing some pre-emptive thinning.

^ negative red leader. The crossbow is for that quiet kill when a few wandering zombies find their way into your perimeter. Not meant to take on the hoard. No one can take on the hoard except Alice (Milla Jovovich). You go right ahead and start firing off your 1000 rounds and that is exactly what you'll attract, the hoard. Eventually you will run out and be over-run.

Hmm...never thought about zombie squirrels. I already have enough problems with non-zombie squirrels.

Hmm, good call. Sounds like I need to add Samurai Swords or Scottish Claymore to the Emergency Preparedness Kit. Thanks for the heads up.
