What to do when you're up during the night with a newborn

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I don't remember getting up in the middle of the night with the kiddos. I'm sure I did a few times, but Mrs Dex handled all of it (which meant I was on afternoon duty after I got home from work). I think the first time I got up for my son, he ended up peeing while I was mid-diaper change. Instead of trying to cover it up, I just rolled him slightly away and he pissed all over the window/wall. Mrs Dex didn't want me changing diapers when I was sleepy from that point on...

I don't remember getting up in the middle of the night with the kiddos. I'm sure I did a few times, but Mrs Dex handled all of it (which meant I was on afternoon duty after I got home from work). I think the first time I got up for my son, he ended up peeing while I was mid-diaper change. Instead of trying to cover it up, I just rolled him slightly away and he pissed all over the window/wall. Mrs Dex didn't want me changing diapers when I was sleepy from that point on...

This is my experience as well. I was schooling during the first one and she breast fed all of them. I didn't help at night during the first because I wasn't getting much sleep anyways, and Mrs. goodal stayed at home, so it was just logical for her to do it. After the next two came along, it was just habit for her to do it. That makes it sound worse than it was. God blessed us with three baby boys that loved to sleep and at the right time, believe it or not. So even though she "did it all", after they got past needing to be fed every 3 hrs, she pretty much got a full nights rest.

i just remember we had a glider rocker and I would watch whatever junk was on tv.. by the third child we just gave up and let him sleep in the bed if he woke up in the middle of the night.... and in all reality he is my favorite kid!

minisnick sleeps like the dead. Once he gets into that REM mode you can't wake him....to the point is it scary....he is beathing and all but still scary.

I was lucky with #1. Although she wouldn't sleep for the first 6 weeks, and didn't sleep the full night until she was 3 months, she hasn't had a bad night since. #2 was much different. He was a bad sleeper until almost 1 yr. Even still, not as sound as #1. With #3 being a girl and hind sight being what it is, I'll take the sleeping patterns of #1 again.

My daughter typically slept though the night. But the trade off for us was she didn't nap during the day.

#1 - not a full nights sleep for 9 months

#2 - not a full night's sleep for 9+ months

#3 is due on Saturday and I'm scared of what's to come...

The rocker recliner got a lot of use for the first two while watching the late night infomercials. #3 will get accustomed to hearing the intro to Top Gear on Netflix...

#1 - not a full nights sleep for 9 months

#2 - not a full night's sleep for 9+ months

#3 is due on Saturday and I'm scared of what's to come...

The rocker recliner got a lot of use for the first two while watching the late night infomercials. #3 will get accustomed to hearing the intro to Top Gear on Netflix...
Its all good LJ and congrats. Looks like we will experience it at the same time.
