What to do when you're up during the night with a newborn

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NJmike PE

Game Czar
May 17, 2013
Reaction score
So baby NJ #3 is really a good baby thus far, but like most newborns she mostly likes to sleep in the arms of her parents. This being #3, I know that there are chairs that I can sleep/rest with her in my arms w/o the fear of rolling onto her. Regardless, I don't sleep soundly and the 2-3 hour feedings don't help either. So, I decide to start this thread to Shoot the Breeze, while I'm up in the middle of the night and you all are sleeping.

Sitting in reality error while said child, watching reruns of sportscenter because not much else on.

Oh man. They are horrible. Now it's male enhancement products, or exercise routines. Even the guy with the knife collection is no longer on.

What an amazing feeling holding and watching a newborn sleep. There is a part of me that misses it. My daughter is 6 and perfecting the art of back talk.

Believe it or not, with Direct TV, there is an entire home shopping channel devoted to just the knife guy.

At the risk of a dumb question, what is this minecraft that you speak of?

I remember a guy at work telling me, "Enjoy the quiet moments in the middle of the night." I thought, back then, he was crazy, but I've since come to appreciate his words.

That said, nothing beats 8 hours of sleep. ;)

Personally I would be satisfied with a duck dynasty marathon. I literally just got into watching it just before #3s egg hatched.

I remember a guy at work telling me, "Enjoy the quiet moments in the middle of the night." I thought, back then, he was crazy, but I've since come to appreciate his words.

That said, nothing beats 8 hours of sleep. ;)

i'm glad those nights were few and far between. I just situated myself in the rocker recliner in minisnicks room and went to sleep. I was going to be up in 2-3 hrs to feed him anyways.


This is the first child that I've had a recliner to sit in with them. The other 2 slept on my chest while I laid on the couch.
