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Is any of the hardware you operate crucial to your day-to-day operation? If not, then I wouldn't waste the $$.

I wouldn't waste the $$.
That's what I've concluded. When I was in college, I used an UPS because I didn't want to risk it. But now, I'm saying "F" it.

I should buy a good surge protector though. What would you recommend? 

I concur with spending $$ on a good quality surge protective device. Which is usually far less than the cost of the electronics it is protecting. I really like Belkin and Tripp Lite for surge protector manufacturers. 




I actually have the Home Theater Isobar. Belkin tends to make more compact solutions for the PC side of things. Which is what I generally stick to with all my computing and server equipment.

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Good resources!  It reminded me that my ancient, overpriced Monster surgre protectors probably don't protect me against anything, anymore.  I think I'll pick up a few of those Tripp Lite models to replace them.  

I would definitely recommend surge protectors with metal housings.  When the MOVs that provide the surge protection go "bang", they tend to set the nearby plastic housing on cheaper protectors on fire.

So I take it you've seen a few house fires that started that way?  Good to keep in mind...

Android Nougat (7.0) was pushed to my phone last night.

Initial thoughts is that it isn't that different than 6.2 which I was running. I can tell they need to hot fix the dimming feature on the screen, but other than that it is pretty slick.

Not looking into purchasing one but just wanted your thoughts on the HP Spectre (world's thinnest laptop)...

It does look nice and the specs are impressive. Would be great for traveling.

LOL......waiting for buyer's remorse...
If I started traveling more I would be more interested.  The price tag is a little daunting but certainly reasonable for that market.

It does look nice and the specs are impressive. Would be great for traveling.

LOL......waiting for buyer's remorse...
What?  Why?  We have had a laser printer for the house for years.  It is great.  It a bummer we can't print color sometimes, but thats not a big deal

I feel so legit! 
Too legit to quit?

