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iphone - 77, tv - 68.
My parents are the worst. When I am at their house and my BB beeps with a message, my mom will coming running to find me and let me know that someone emailed me. This is usually when I head up to see them for a Sunday dinner so I care even less about responding then during the week.I can't figure out what's up with that. The reason I have voice mail/an answering machine is so that people can leave me a message! I've even had some folks try to answer my cell phone for me ! They only make that mistake once.You can always ignore the cell phone. I know most people have the expectation that an immediate response is needed, but I have no problem ignore emails, phone calls. My wife gets mad at me because I'll ignore the home phone if I am busy with something else. If it is important, they can leave a message.![]()
Do what I do; I got a Tracfone. 20 bucks every three months just in case I need it in an emergency.badal doesn't have internet at home!You realize it is 2010?I don't have a cell phone.
Kidding-that is pretty impressive. I was a hold out for a while, but it really does make my life a whole lot easier.
I just can't make the jump to cell phone. I really enjoy the times when I'm unavailable and don't want to pay $50/month to end that.
That's cool. I have some friends that do that as well. It would never work for us. My wife doesn't even know the passwords for our banking sites. If I didn't tell her how things were going, she would never know about our finances. The good thing is that she is very frugal, so I don't have to worry about her spending a ton of money.Indeed we do. There is a shared fund for the mortgage and some savings, but most stuff is separate accounts. In fact, I pay the phone/internet and he pays cable. We have other expenses split too. It works out really well for us.
Our daughter is back living with us for awhile and she gets that automatic flinch to grad the phone if it rings during dinner or some other time that I don't care. She may lose the response before she moves out. I figure that is is there for MY convenience, not the caller's, and I'll get to it when I'm ready.You can always ignore the cell phone. I know most people have the expectation that an immediate response is needed, but I have no problem ignore emails, phone calls. My wife gets mad at me because I'll ignore the home phone if I am busy with something else. If it is important, they can leave a message.
a fact my wife consistently "reminds" me about.[SIZE=12pt]badal doesn't have internet at home![/SIZE]You realize it is 2010?I don't have a cell phone.
Kidding-that is pretty impressive. I was a hold out for a while, but it really does make my life a whole lot easier.
I just can't make the jump to cell phone. I really enjoy the times when I'm unavailable and don't want to pay $50/month to end that. My husband, on the other hand, is a Blackberry addict. He pays that bill himself.
I would go crazy without internet at home.a fact my wife consistently "reminds" me about.
Couponing can be crazy. My wife does it in spurts, but when she is in to it, she goes all out. I have been with her when she has saved 75% off the bill.On another note, my wife has really gotten in to the couponing thing. I can't believe how much money she has been saving. Our grocery budget (which includes stuff like diapers, detergent, etc.) has gone from $800 a month down to $400 a month.
Couponing can be crazy. My wife does it in spurts, but when she is in to it, she goes all out. I have been with her when she has saved 75% off the bill.On another note, my wife has really gotten in to the couponing thing. I can't believe how much money she has been saving. Our grocery budget (which includes stuff like diapers, detergent, etc.) has gone from $800 a month down to $400 a month.
For the most part, my wife and I do joint finances. One thing we do that has solved a lot of arguments is we each take a set amount of money out in cash at the beginning of the month. It is ours to spend as we wish, no questions asked. I want to go get blitzed, my decision. She wants to go spend ridiculous amounts (at least in my opinion) on clothing, her decision.