What did you score on the EIT?

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I scored a 74. I hate being inefficient. :D

edit: In April of '98

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I think only some states give the score. I took it in GA in 2002 and still remember my score -- 71. Thats one point too many if ya ask me!

Apparently CA (where I just took the PE) doesnt' give out the score for the EIT ..

I also felt pretty darn young in that room taking the PE in April -- 26 yrs old .. but with a 5 year old and a two year old I really couldn't afford to wait a few years to take it (!!)

I figured the sooner I start, the sooner I pass (and I know it'll take be a couple of tries to pass both the nat'l and CA state-specific exams).

I did notice that the average age of girls taking the test looked to be considerably lower than for guys...

I think this is drifting off topic so I'll stop now :)

I don't even know, nor do I think I was ever told. Anyway, at this point isn't it almost like, "What was your GPA in college?" ? :dunno: :D


I graduated with a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1995. I should have taken the EIT then but I didn't even know about it. After being in Engineering Consulting for 5 years, I decided to take the EIT in Oct. 2002. I got a 69. I then took it again in April 2003 and got a 69 AGAIN. I swore I wouldn't subject myself to that grueling 8-hour test again. In the summuer of 2005, I learned about a job opening for an Electrical Engineering Consultant with the approximate experience that I had starting at $85K. The only thing was that the PE was required. So I decided to try again. This time I took a math prep class for about $120. I did end up passing on the third try, however the letter only gave me a "P" for pass. How do I find out what my score was? I want to know if the prep class was what got me over the required 70. If I got significantly over the 70 then I would like to try to find another class to prepare me for the PE exam. Anyone have any suggestions?

78 in 1995, no studying, etc - it was required to take before graduation...either that or take the mock-one to graduate - pass/fail = no graduation...could have sucked big time....

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Let's see...I've got my framed EIT certificate right here on the wall...75!!


82 in GA, took it right before the format changed, I'm pretty sure it was '94. It was my junior year in college I remember that much. That test was a cast iron bitch, my brain was fried and I couldn't even get drunk that night after the exam was over. :true:

I think taking it while in school is the way to go. Most of that general crap was fresh in my mind. My degree is technically a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, with specialization in Mechanical, which is slightly more broad than a straight BSME. I had to take more classes in other discipline areas and less in ME, and I think that helped me pass the FE on the first try as well. We'll see how I did on the PE though.....

I think when I took the EIT, they were reporting the scores with Roman numerals. I passed, but I haven't a clue as to my score.

Interestingly enough, I have no recollection at all of the EIT exam - which building I took it in on campus, how I felt, etc. Absolutely nothing. Of course, there's many blank sections of time from my college years......

The PE, on the other hand, I remember like it was yesterday. It was still essay format back then and I can remember some of the problems I worked to this day. I remember everything about the day, the hotel I stayed in the night before, where I ate lunch.


once you take the PE 3 times, those memories all kinda blend together. LOL. :true:

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77 in October 2001... so 7 points of overstudying right? I really didn't study for the test until 3 weeks before. We were required to take FE review class in college which must have helped, if you passed the FE we got an automatic A in the 1 credit review class. I am glad that I almost forced to take it in college and get it over with.

Question for you people who passed the EIT and failed, is the letter thicker if you fail or no.

75 in South Carolina October of 2000. Home game for Clemson vs GT. We could hear the band playing and people cheering while we were taking the test.

Walked out knowing I failed the morning session and aced the afternoon civil! Got extremely intoxicated and listened on the radio as Clemson lost to a last second field goal. :(

75 - didn't study any of it... ...didn't expect to pass. I took it October 2000 between my 5th and 6th year of school. I was first a Physics major, then an Arch Engineering major, then I settled on structural. :)

All I remember is using my TI 92 and remembering that I used it to get about 10 questions right without even thinking. :true:

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Hello there,

70 - April 2001. The company I was working at la Isla Del Ecanto did not "want to wait" for my results to give me a chance as an engineer( In Puerto Rico you cannot work/or have the tittle "Engineer" unless you have at least the EIT) so I took a chance and jumped the Atlantic to a company that gave me the chance without knowing the results.

Quit my old job June 22nd, moved to TN July 6th and my results came July 20th(My Mom's birthday). The company in P.R. filled the position on Feb. 2002 when the candidate they wanted passed the EIT. After all they were able to wait. Funny...Isn't it?

Here I have faced other problems but at least my family is doing OK and I became a P.E. last summer, thank GOD fo that.

Fall 1990, second senior year of university - 184 points out of 279 (must have been a different test back then?). That's a 66%. According to the letter giving me my score (Colorado Board of Reg.), passing score was a 124, which would have been a 44%??? :wtf:

All I remember is signing up for the exam because someone told me I should, and not studying at all. I don't think I really understood the significance of it at the time. In fact, I drank a six pack with my roommate the night before the exam. We both figured it wouldn't do us any good to study at that point. He failed.

77 in April 2001 in Atlanta. Our school paid for most of the fees so just about everyone took it. We didn't study till the day before and then realized how much crap we had to recall. It all worked out though. I'm definitely glad I took it so close to school.
