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Dark Knight

Silent Guardian
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Central Florida
Maybe a change is needed and want to encourage you to post your vacation or weekend trip pics. I will not be posting more pics in the DK's Yak Adventures thread. Maybe a Mod can delete that one or move the pics/post to this one. One way or the other :bio:

My most recent trip took me to Silver River in Lynne,FL. The river is fed by 550 millions gallons of water from the Silver Springs and there is a theme park where the springs are. Sparkling-clear water, 72F~74F year round is part of the habitat for lots of wildlife. Anyways...here are some pics of my recent 8 miles roundtrip to Silver River.

Gator in a log


Scenic view




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I didn't take any "vacations", but I did hit the islands of Palau, and the island of Rota (a little closer to home) for work.

Me on my one, rainy day off in Palau, lunch at a small beach in the Rock Islands:


A sunken Japanese fishing vessel, downed by American aircraft during WWII:


The island of Rota in the Marianas Islands:


The ruins of an ancient Chamorro village on Rota:


A class portrait. I gave a 2-day workshop to certify people in construction site erosion control The class installed this silt fence on the last day, before taking the exam (feel free to criticize the materials - we had to work with what was available. But, it was installed properly!!)


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Awesome pics DK and Dleg.

We went to Disney about a month ago. Was very hot, but kids had a great time. We stayed at the Nickelodeon Suites, and the kids liked that better than Disney.


Went to upload a pic that was 80kb, but it won't let it attach...

Dleg you really do live in a freaking cool place!

Mind the unexploded ordinance though....

Perfect timing. I just got back from vacation yesterday. I'll try and post some pics tomorrow if I have time.

I'm going to Virginia Beach the week of Labor Day. I can't wait. I went on this same trip with a bunch of friends from college last year and it's a friggin' blast.

we are thinking about an extended weekend trip this coming spring, once mini-snick is eating solid food full time and weaned. so these posts are some good ideas.

those are some nice pics from all. My sister would love the lighthouse one VT took.

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I'm fond of that one too. Pretty much all pictures taken one PEI come out awesome. It's so beautiful there. If I had to do that trip again, I'd spend a lot more time there and skip a few things we did. Maybe next year.

We're doing an extended 5-day weekend in the Smoky Mtns in October. I'm really looking forward to that. Hiking, camping, rafting, and maybe a bluegrass show.

And I get to add 2 or 3 more states to my list.

Nice pics, roadwreck, but where is that? I don't believe you ever said.

Went to Vegas in June with some friends (sent the kiddos to the grandparents, wife stayed home). Nothing really photo-worthy done/seen as I spent most of my time in the poker rooms. But, the views of the wife once I got home are a different story...

Aw shucks, don't have any pictures... :dunno:

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We're doing an extended 5-day weekend in the Smoky Mtns in October. I'm really looking forward to that. Hiking, camping, rafting, and maybe a bluegrass show.
And I get to add 2 or 3 more states to my list.

Sounds good. I'm sure you got it planned out, but let me know if you need any info. My wife and I spend a fair amount of time there (we live about 30 min away). Be warned, the park is super crowded in October, especially on the weekends. If you need to drive from where you are (smokemont? elkmont? cades cove?) to your trailhead plan for plenty of time and try to leave early. Also, there are a lot of stimulus road projects going on this summer (which were needed) that have several of the roads closed. I would guess they should all be done by Oct, but you might want to check the website a few days b/f your trip just to make sure. Have a good trip.

We're doing an extended 5-day weekend in the Smoky Mtns in October. I'm really looking forward to that. Hiking, camping, rafting, and maybe a bluegrass show.
And I get to add 2 or 3 more states to my list.

Sounds good. I'm sure you got it planned out, but let me know if you need any info. My wife and I spend a fair amount of time there (we live about 30 min away). Be warned, the park is super crowded in October, especially on the weekends. If you need to drive from where you are (smokemont? elkmont? cades cove?) to your trailhead plan for plenty of time and try to leave early. Also, there are a lot of stimulus road projects going on this summer (which were needed) that have several of the roads closed. I would guess they should all be done by Oct, but you might want to check the website a few days b/f your trip just to make sure. Have a good trip.
Thanks! I was surprised when reading up on things that Great Smoky is the busiest NP by a long shot. I always thought it would be Grand Canyon or Yellowstone.

We're camping in Cosby, TN. It sounded like one of the quieter campgrounds in the park and was tent only.

We have a half day rafting trip down the Pigeon River lined up, but other than that don't have any firm plans.

I am curious what there is to do around there on a rainy day if hiking is out. Suggestions would be appreciated.

If anyone is planning a fall trip to New England, I'm here if you have questions.

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