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^I bet those guys come across some real gems that put your luggage to shame....

for example, on the rare occasion that fudgey does not throw away his pants when he is traveling.... "well, I guess these are salvageable, I'll wash them when I get home"

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Mrs. Ble and I spent the last 6 days or so down in FL sightseeing around the area that the potential job I posted in the rant room would be in. The company was wanting me down Monday-Wednesday to meet with some folks, so I felt like that was the best time for us to see the area together. We had a good time and got to see some good friends that moved to Miami last year, so it was a good trip. We'll see what happens on the job front...

Mrs. Ble and I spent the last 6 days or so down in FL sightseeing around the area that the potential job I posted in the rant room would be in. The company was wanting me down Monday-Wednesday to meet with some folks, so I felt like that was the best time for us to see the area together. We had a good time and got to see some good friends that moved to Miami last year, so it was a good trip. We'll see what happens on the job front...
Well, that's what the room is called now. When I first posted the thread, it was the secret room/rant room.


Yesterday, November 5th, took advantage of my free Friday and went to Haulover Canal. Was there early, 10:15AM since it was the scheduled launch of the Discovery. The launch was supposed to happen at 3:04PM and NASA moved it to November 30th @ 4:05AM. Bummer.

Anyways had a great time watching manatees, dolphins and lots of birds.

Here are two of the best pics from yesterday...



The dolphin pic is the best I was able to shoot. As hard as I tried to time the jump and/or when it surfaced to breath it was useless. Ended up with tens of fin's pics.

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DK, not sure what kind of camera you are using to get those shots, since you are in a kayak, but if you got a filter to take care of the excess sunlight...those pictures would definitely win photo contests left and right.

DK, not sure what kind of camera you are using to get those shots, since you are in a kayak, but if you got a filter to take care of the excess sunlight...those pictures would definitely win photo contests left and right.
OK...I am reading. You said filter. Can you expand on that please?

Can't see the pics, but if you're getting some haze and glare in your photos, a circular polarizer can help quite a bit. Not really something you can throw on a point and shoot camera, but readily available for SLR's.

Photography is a hobby I'd love to get into once I've got some disposable income.

Most of my vacations involve scenic landscapes and wildlife, and I always get sooo jealous of the folks with the fancy camera set-ups while I fart around with my point and shoot. I was this close to pushing someone over a boat into 39 degree water when we were whale watching in AK. By the time I saw the whale breach, all I got was it splashing back into the water. This dude musta snapped off 7 pics before I even turned mine on. UGH!!!

Can't see the pics, but if you're getting some haze and glare in your photos, a circular polarizer can help quite a bit. Not really something you can throw on a point and shoot camera, but readily available for SLR's.
polarizer...thats the term I was looking for.

Photography is a hobby I'd love to get into once I've got some disposable income.
Most of my vacations involve scenic landscapes and wildlife, and I always get sooo jealous of the folks with the fancy camera set-ups while I fart around with my point and shoot. I was this close to pushing someone over a boat into 39 degree water when we were whale watching in AK. By the time I saw the whale breach, all I got was it splashing back into the water. This dude musta snapped off 7 pics before I even turned mine on. UGH!!!

Canon 7D fires at a rate of 8 FPS :D

Pair that up with a 70-200 f/4L IS lens, and you've got a killer whale tale setup!

The first one was a Stylus Tough-6020, an Olympus, for the underwater pics. Shortly after we started kayaking bought the Olympus SP-800UZ. We were taking lots of birds pics that did not make us happy. Too far. The 800UZ has a 30X optical zoom.

Wanted to buy my wife a digital SLR camera but she fell in love with the 800UZ. So far so good but next year will probably buy her a the SLR for Mother's day. That is the way to go to take good outdoor pics.

I had an unusual Christmas Day. It was the first time in ten years we spent the day alone, with no family visiting us. Usually Mom or my In Laws are here. Last year my Mom and my sister with her daughters and husband were at home. Not this year.

My wife was down and at 10:00AM I told her: Let us go out to the water...and to the Wekiva River we went. What a way to celebrate Christmas Day. Big gators and lots of birds and other wildlife. Here is a sample...

Belted Kingfisher...


Special Duo...

