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Nice.... I'm really missing Colorado summers this year. I don't know why.

A friend of mine posted pictures of his climb up Long's Peak last week on Facebook. I think that's what got me started. Then, my son begged for a slideshow of our last Colorado trip, which was 2 years ago, and had all kinds of great Colorado summer stuff in it.

scared_spikes.jpgFall has come to Colorado, the elk are waking us up in the morning with their bugling and stirring up the dogs. We hiked over to the clubhouse last weekend and saw a douglas fir tree that was stripped of bark and branches 8 feet above the ground and knew that there was a big bull around that had been rubbing his antlers there. This morning there were two young bulls (spikes) that were being chased by the big bull in our back yard. I attempted an elk call (from the safety of the deck) and they looked at me briefly. When the bull came I tried to get his attention and he completely ignored me, prompting the wife to call me an elk poseur.


the big guy looked like he had 6 points on one side, 5 on the other.

I'm going to be careful gardening later.

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View attachment 3630Fall has come to Colorado, the elk are waking us up in the morning with their bugling and stirring up the dogs. We hiked over to the clubhouse last weekend and saw a douglas fir tree that was stripped of bark and branches 8 feet above the ground and knew that there was a big bull around that had been rubbing his antlers there. This morning there were two young bulls (spikes) that were being chased by the big bull in our back yard. I attempted an elk call (from the safety of the deck) and they looked at me briefly. When the bull came I tried to get his attention and he completely ignored me, prompting the wife to call me an elk poseur.View attachment 3629View attachment 3628

the big guy looked like he had 6 points on one side, 5 on the other.

I'm going to be careful gardening later.

Pics of my trips this week-end.

Hontoon Island Loop...


Blue Spring State Park


Not being too active lately due to multiple things going on but had the time to go out this week-end.

Friday went to Haulover Canal. It was windy and very choppy. Not a good day to be in that body of water. For the first time in five trips, no manatees and no dolphins....bummer. Lot of avian life in the island/sanctuary.


Saturday went to Blue Springs State Park because my wife asked me. She wanted to see manatees and we, of course, did not see any. But had a good time


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Took mini-mizzou and wifey to the Transportation Museum since it was "get in free" weekend. Mini-mizzou was more interested in walking on the tracks than the huge trains, but it was still a good time.

Later Saturday we met up with mini-mizzous godparents and wifey and godmother played tennis while we watched. Mini wasn't interested and wanted to run around on the court, which led to meltdowns when he couldn't get in.

Yesterday we FINALLY got a new mattress set. We had been living on one that my Granny had since 1990 and I've had since college. It was broken down, ultra soft, and needed replaced. The new mattress was my birthday present, being delivered today, so a good night sleep tonight!

Took a trip to Logan's Steakhouse. Stunning, I know!

The bigger "trip" was the fact that we went to "celebrate" one year of being tortured by dating MIAF.

Took a trip to Logan's Steakhouse. Stunning, I know!
The bigger "trip" was the fact that we went to "celebrate" one year of being tortured by dating MIAF.
Supe: Your relationship with MIAF and Junior is a lot more than I'd call "dating". Congrats on the anniversary and I hope it continues to be a good thing for all three of you!

We went to the beach last week and ended up having absolutely perfect weather. Mini ble loves the ocean and now my days of relaxing on the beach are officially over because I have to spend so much time in the water with him or playing in the sand with him. We had a blast though!

The view from our balcony:

Mini-ble ready for the beach:

We went to the beach last week and ended up having absolutely perfect weather. Mini ble loves the ocean and now my days of relaxing on the beach are officially over because I have to spend so much time in the water with him or playing in the sand with him. We had a blast though!
The view from our balcony:

Mini-ble ready for the beach:
super cute sunglasses!!

Kayakes at Cañaveral Sea Shore and Juniper Creek.

Here are a couple of pics from. The first from the Cañaveral National Sea Shore and the second from Juniper Springs...



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hiked Mt. Democrat near Alma, CO. 14,148 ASL. That is one democrat that is not easy!

