westboro church "pastor" near death?

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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the infamous "pastor" guy who likes to protest a lot of funerals is near death the news reports..

Wish I was close enough to attend the funeral and hold a large banner that says "Burn in Hell" with a group of my closest friends!

I wonder if any of the Patriot Guard riders will pay their respects. I'm torn between not wanting to sink to their level and really liking the idea of a little payback to the leader of that particular "church".

I really wish this "church" would just go away. It does nothing but promote hate and bigotry. I would all for going to some sort of demonstration at his funeral, but it's like dealing with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience...

I really wish this "church" would just go away. It does nothing but promote hate and bigotry. I would all for going to some sort of demonstration at his funeral, but it's like dealing with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience...
adding to my list of favorite quotes

He was apparently excommunicated (from his own church) last year; his daughter(I think?) Shirley runs the church now.

As with the death of any human being - my condolences to the family.

No, I'm serious. I'm not going to sink to his level and denigrate him and his in their time of pain. Nor should anyone else, no matter how good the schadenfreude tastes.

Not that *I* will miss him one bit, of course.

I don't care what he or his family are suffering. I don't care that they want a little peace to mourn their hate-filled abusive patriarch. Fuck them. Is that stooping to his level, no, it's the honest opinion of somebody who has seen the suffering he has caused. I was at a funeral where this asshole's clan was protesting, he can die a miserable, horrible, painful death and I'd be perfectly fine with that.

Why should he (or his family) get a peaceful passing when they denied it to so many others?

This pastor and church have veered from the moral high road a long time ago. You can be against things, and let others know why you are against them, without being obnoxious and rude. They blew way past obnoxious and rude to down right vile. I am very conservative socially, morally, financially and any other -ly you can think of and probably agree with them on some of the things they protested (protesting soldiers funerals are not one I agree with), but they did not display their objections properly, nor would I approve of any of the methods they used to get their point across. I cannot feel sympathy for this church or family at the passing of this man that intentionally caused pain to those that did not deserve it.

Jesus was a peaceful man,or so they tell me, but from what I have read God was a vengeful soul so I think he would appreciate a small chils at this funeral holding a sign that says "Hell is waiting"

Where his final destination will be, I cannot say. I think he was misguided on how to be light and salt to the world. I'm glad you acknowledged both sides of God in your post above. Yes, God is love, but he is a jealous God as well. Not to mention the times Jesus called a group "vipers" and drove people out of the synagogue with a whip. There are times to be gentle as a lamb and times to be as forceful as a lion. Being either all the time is not how God is, nor how he expects us to be. Sorry to turn this into a sunday school lesson for all you that don't care.

I was kinda hoping that he would have all gay nurses and caregivers taking care of him at his facility.

And that they treat him with respect that any dying human deserves, and not stoop to his level. That alone, would be retribution enough.

I really don't like that this guy and his "church" have brought such negativity to religion. When Jesus walked the earth, he surrounded himself with those that others felt were 'unworthy', and he would do the same today to prove that we are all equal. This guy and his family have no idea what Christianity/religion is about. He holds up signs that say "God hates Fags" but if he really understood he would know that God loves all and we are taught to do the same.

I really don't like that this guy and his "church" have brought such negativity to religion. When Jesus walked the earth, he surrounded himself with those that others felt were 'unworthy', and he would do the same today to prove that we are all equal. This guy and his family have no idea what Christianity/religion is about. He holds up signs that say "God hates Fags" but if he really understood he would know that God loves all and we are taught to do the same.
This. I firmly agree with you. In fact, I liken this man and his "teachings and followers" unto the radical Muslims. They both give very bad names to what the core belief of their religion is intended for.
