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Yeah doesn't look like anything's changed in our glorious commonwealth, I guess we'll be two weeks behind the world.

Could be worse I least it's not Cali...they probably won't get theirs till Feb.

:brickwall: :smileyballs: :juggle: :waiting:

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I would imagine DPOR would be the first place we would find out from. Speaking of which, 3 more commitee licences were issued...

3 more commitee licences were issued...? what does that mean?
If you put an "*" in the name filed of the DPOR license loop-up page, it will give you a total figure of licenses per discipline. The P.E. total increased by 3 from yesterday to this morning.

I received an email from DPOR yesterday and it said this:
".... They will not be available on the NCEES website as we disseminate those by mail. When they are received, they will processed and mailed."

So I dont know who to believe.
Duhhh... Seems like both DPOR and PCS don't know what to do with the results from NCEES, OR whoever knows what to do is out on vacation and won't be back until the second week of January.

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I would imagine DPOR would be the first place we would find out from. Speaking of which, 3 more commitee licences were issued...

3 more commitee licences were issued...? what does that mean?
If you put an "*" in the name filed of the DPOR license loop-up page, it will give you a total figure of licenses per discipline. The P.E. total increased by 3 from yesterday to this morning.

I received an email from DPOR yesterday and it said this:
".... They will not be available on the NCEES website as we disseminate those by mail. When they are received, they will processed and mailed."

So I dont know who to believe.
Duhhh... Seems like both DPOR and PCS don't know what to do with the results from NCEES, OR whoever knows what to do is out on vacation and won't be back until the second week of January.
PCS is the problem...all DPOR does is post the results based upon what they get from NCEES and's one lady that does it, she gets the results by CD and posts them online as soon as she gets them.

Massachusettes and New Jersey (both PCS testing states) released their results yesterday... What about the rest of the PCS states? Did anyone contact PCS today?

I received an email from DPOR yesterday and it said this:
".... They will not be available on the NCEES website as we disseminate those by mail. When they are received, they will processed and mailed."

So I dont know who to believe.
Duhhh... Seems like both DPOR and PCS don't know what to do with the results from NCEES, OR whoever knows what to do is out on vacation and won't be back until the second week of January.
PCS is the problem...all DPOR does is post the results based upon what they get from NCEES and's one lady that does it, she gets the results by CD and posts them online as soon as she gets them.
why do they need pcs?

I received an email from DPOR yesterday and it said this:
".... They will not be available on the NCEES website as we disseminate those by mail. When they are received, they will processed and mailed."

So I dont know who to believe.
Duhhh... Seems like both DPOR and PCS don't know what to do with the results from NCEES, OR whoever knows what to do is out on vacation and won't be back until the second week of January.
PCS is the problem...all DPOR does is post the results based upon what they get from NCEES and's one lady that does it, she gets the results by CD and posts them online as soon as she gets them.
why do they need pcs?
Who knows? I think it's a crock personally...I've taken several tests proctored by them and they suck.

I called the PCS just now and the guy who answer the phone said the result will be out end of next week, when I asked why he said that VA state has to review the results befor they go out. END....I dnot know I forget to ask him how we will find out through NCEES or VA board...!!! To be honest , I canot wait any longer

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I called the PCS just now and the guy who answer the phone said the result will be out end of nect week, when I asked why he said that VA state has to review the results befor they go out. END....I dnot know I forget to ask him how we will find out through NCEES or VA board...!!! To be honest , I canot wait any longer
Jeez...what a clusterfark....

:rolleyes: :brickwall: :beat:

Hey VA people waiting on PE results. Waiting like the rest of you here in WI. Our state also elected to use the "wonderful" <insert sarcasm> services of PCS. Take a look at my last post in this thread if you want for my comments on PCS. I must be missing something because what possible benefit is there to having PCS release the results? They aren't performing any additional analysis or validation. The only thing I can see that they are doing is delaying distribution. :screwloose: If anyone can help me understand this, it would be appreciated. Obviously at this point it doesn't look like there is anything more we can do but WAIT SOME MORE. But I guess it helps to vent with others who are putting up with the same BS.

Guys if we all keep calling them every 2 minutes may be they will give up and release the result before the end of next week...any idea???

eh...hell with it...

My advise to everyone waiting is to begin drinking heavily.... :40oz: :beerchug:

I called the PCS just now and the guy who answer the phone said the result will be out end of next week, when I asked why he said that VA state has to review the results befor they go out. END....I dnot know I forget to ask him how we will find out through NCEES or VA board...!!! To be honest , I canot wait any longer
This is the same answer that I recieved. I did ask how we would recieve the results, he stated that the results would be available via NCEES website. I feel that we will obtain our results by Friday of next week.

Anxious VA Test Takers:

The Comonwealth of Virginia does not allow direct release of exam scores like other states do. They get the results on a CD from PCS, review the recommended cut score from NCEES, and then type up and send out there own results letters. Other states elect to adopt the NCEES cut score without further review which is why they allow direct sending of results. The extra step that Virginia adds takes about a week to 10 days to implement. Your should expect to see the DPOR website updated by the end of next week or the following Monday. The website will get updated before the letters go out, however; just because your name is not up there right away does not necessarily mean that you failed. >>>>> FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT TURNED IN YOUR RULES AND REGULATIONS TAKE-HOME EXAM: Your results will be delayed like mine were. Everyone else will have their pass/fail letters except for you because your results are stuck in administrative hell. If you have not reconfirmed with DPOR that your take home test is on file and good to go then DO IT NOW less ye be in agony.

Response from PCS (

My E-mail: NCEES website states that the October PE exam results are released for all states. Please could you let me know the expected release date for Virginia?

PCS: “NCEES released the results to EES (us), and we are in the process of reconciling them. As soon as we have completed the reconciliation, and have the VADPOR board approval to release the results, you will be notified via email to the address you submitted to NCEES when you completed your registration prior to the examination.”

Response from VDPOR (

My E-mail: NCEES website states that the October PE exam results are released for all states. Please could you let me know the expected release date for Virginia?

VDPOR: “You need to read the entire message on the NCEES website. It states that procedures in states may vary depending on whether the state uses an exam provider. We use Professional Credential Services so we do not get the results directly from NCEES, and as of today we have not received the results.”

My E-mail: I appreciate your response. But, many people like me are misled by the information provided on NCEES website. For Virginia state, the site states that - "When results have been released (typically 8-10 weeks after the exam), NCEES will send an e-mail informing you that your result can be accessed through your My NCEES account." Source:

VDPOR: "It also states that dissemination varies from state to state. We are not responsible for information printed on websites other than ours. The results have not been received and in accordance with our policy, when we receive those results, we will certify them and mail them out. Results will not appear on the NCEES website. Releasing of grades does not necessarily mean that state boards have received those results from NCEES as NCEES mails those results. They are not transmitted electronically to states."

Response from PCS (
My E-mail: NCEES website states that the October PE exam results are released for all states. Please could you let me know the expected release date for Virginia?

PCS: “NCEES released the results to EES (us), and we are in the process of reconciling them. As soon as we have completed the reconciliation, and have the VADPOR board approval to release the results, you will be notified via email to the address you submitted to NCEES when you completed your registration prior to the examination.”

Response from VDPOR (

My E-mail: NCEES website states that the October PE exam results are released for all states. Please could you let me know the expected release date for Virginia?

VDPOR: “You need to read the entire message on the NCEES website. It states that procedures in states may vary depending on whether the state uses an exam provider. We use Professional Credential Services so we do not get the results directly from NCEES, and as of today we have not received the results.”

My E-mail: I appreciate your response. But, many people like me are misled by the information provided on NCEES website. For Virginia state, the site states that - "When results have been released (typically 8-10 weeks after the exam), NCEES will send an e-mail informing you that your result can be accessed through your My NCEES account." Source:

VDPOR: "It also states that dissemination varies from state to state. We are not responsible for information printed on websites other than ours. The results have not been received and in accordance with our policy, when we receive those results, we will certify them and mail them out. Results will not appear on the NCEES website. Releasing of grades does not necessarily mean that state boards have received those results from NCEES as NCEES mails those results. They are not transmitted electronically to states."
Thanks for sharing!

Obviously there is some sort of communication problem between VADPOR and PCS. PCS says result on NCEES website and DPOR says that no result will be on the website.

We need to put these two organizations in the same room so they can talk.


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