Response from PCS (vaeng@
My E-mail: NCEES website states that the October PE exam results are released for all states. Please could you let me know the expected release date for Virginia?
PCS: “NCEES released the results to EES (us), and we are in the process of reconciling them. As soon as we have completed the reconciliation, and have the VADPOR board approval to release the results, you will be notified via email to the address you submitted to NCEES when you completed your registration prior to the examination.”
Response from VDPOR (apelscidla@
My E-mail: NCEES website states that the October PE exam results are released for all states. Please could you let me know the expected release date for Virginia?
VDPOR: “You need to read the entire message on the NCEES website. It states that procedures in states may vary depending on whether the state uses an exam provider. We use Professional Credential Services so we do not get the results directly from NCEES, and as of today we have not received the results.”
My E-mail: I appreciate your response. But, many people like me are misled by the information provided on NCEES website. For Virginia state, the site states that - "When results have been released (typically 8-10 weeks after the exam), NCEES will send an e-mail informing you that your result can be accessed through your My NCEES account." Source:
VDPOR: "It also states that dissemination varies from state to state. We are not responsible for information printed on websites other than ours. The results have not been received and in accordance with our policy, when we receive those results, we will certify them and mail them out. Results will not appear on the NCEES website. Releasing of grades does not necessarily mean that state boards have received those results from NCEES as NCEES mails those results. They are not transmitted electronically to states."