Video store era over---Blockbuster closes

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I have a VCR and the 8mm camcorder. There are a bunch of old family videos that I need to have converted to digital format before they become completely obsolete and can't be watched again.

We have a DVD/VCR combo hooked up to the TV in our room. I don't know the last time we used the VCR part, but I do know that we have a couple large boxes of movies in the basement...

I have a VCR and the 8mm camcorder. There are a bunch of old family videos that I need to have converted to digital format before they become completely obsolete and can't be watched again.

It seems like just yesterday, but it was almost 30 years ago that my sister and I organized all the family 8mm films and had them converted to VHS format for my parents 25th anniversary.

First rule of leadership, everything is your fault....

But probably not in his Marxism leadership book though :(

I had a VHS player as I tossed it when we moved. I do have several VHS tapes (wedding, early kids stuff) that I need to ship off and have put on DVD...

I found a cool place yesterday called 2nd Charles, I assume that is supposed to be similar to 2nd chance.. But they sell used movies, games, books, Eric.. I wasted my entire lunch hour, bought 4 movies for $6 bucks...

time to update them again.

My sister already did that a few years back. She ran (may still run, dunno) a bidness converting VHS cassettes to DVDs.

I've been meaning to have some old football tapes of mine converted to dvds before they go bad. Every time I see a deal come up on Groupon I say I'm going to buy it but I never do.

My in laws had a bunch put on DVD from a cruise we all went on while I was on leave from the army (1990) it was good for some serious laughs!

Hulu+ is choppy even in the paid version for me. It just depends on the day.

I'll bet most of our stuff came from Ames and Zayres. I still find price tags on the boxes of older toys we kept. My first pair of jelly shoes came from Ames. My first business suit came from a Filene's Basement.

we had zayres. my first bike was from's still in my parents garage. Purple and white banana seat style.

There is a salvage company here in NE (MA reall) called Building 19 that just announced bankruptcy after 50 years. They used to buy damaged, outdated, irregular merchandise and sell it in retail stores. Their motto was "good stuff cheap" and they had grown to 10 stores. It prompted the local news to put together the attached link of MA companies that don't exist anymore. It's rather nostalgic for me to got through this as I grew up with most of these businesses being the primary stores we went to. Time marches on.

I remember quite a few of those businesses as a kid. If they branched out as far as NY, we had one around. Also did a lot of shopping in CT since certain things are tax free there - clothing in particular. I grew like a weed in middle school, so my folks liked back to school shopping at the Danbury Mall.

Speaking of which...Hey Sap you should take a run over there at some point. Your kids will dig the merry-go-round iin the food court. I loved that thing as a kid.

I had a VHS player as I tossed it when we moved. I do have several VHS tapes (wedding, early kids stuff) that I need to ship off and have put on DVD...

I found a cool place yesterday called 2nd Charles, I assume that is supposed to be similar to 2nd chance.. But they sell used movies, games, books, Eric.. I wasted my entire lunch hour, bought 4 movies for $6 bucks...
time to update them again.
My sister already did that a few years back. She ran (may still run, dunno) a bidness converting VHS cassettes to DVDs.
I've been meaning to have some old football tapes of mine converted to dvds before they go bad. Every time I see a deal come up on Groupon I say I'm going to buy it but I never do.
With modern computing being what it is today, it's relatively easy to do it yourself rather than pay the ungodly high cost for a 3rd party to do it. Perhaps I should add this to my list of PC services. I would surely undercut the competition. The process is basically "set and forget it". :thumbs:

I successfully converted all our HS football tapes to a digital format. Which can be played on any PC media player and/or a DVD if you so desire.

^Yea, I know it is, but I'd have to buy the adapters and programs to do it and I only need about 6 VHS tapes converted. I'd spend the same amount of money and be stuck with more junk around the house that I wouldn't use.

Only cost would be the adapter. Which you could find used on ebay for a reduced price. Freeware can be had on the net. No prof. software required. :thumbs:

Unless you don't have a desktop. Then it might be worth it to send it out to be done.

Hit up blockbuster tonight to get movies for a marathon viewing session this weekend. G/f has been watching White Collar, so she got the entire 4th season (1 night rental!!!)
