So I just took the PE Civil Transportation exam.
First, the morning:
This was much easier than I expected it to be, but I found out from thinking about the morning section by myself during the break that I made some stupid mistakes; All in all, I think i got 27/40. That plus the 25% of the remaining questions equals about a 30/40 which is not terrible. Again, I made some admitted mistakes. Go back through all the questions if you have enough time. They can be tricky and the wrong answer seems so right at the time.
Now for the afternoon:
This was very frustrating for me. I took the transportation portion and really struggled. Not on things like horizontal curves, vertical curves, sight distances, taper lengths or anything important like that. There were many, many questions referencing materials that I regrettably did not purchase. I only bought the aashto green book and of course I had my notes from studying. There were very basic lookup questions that I lost a lot of points on. They were referencing HCM and MUTCD. Unfortunately, I didn't purchase either of these. I think it is unfair to have questions like this on the exam. I know I'll get smacked for this, but I spent time doing calculation practice and such. It seems like a money grab to me. "Buy 500 dollars worth of books, and pass the exam." I will not make this mistake again. So my score on the afternoon, (I made tick marks), was a definite 19/40. That plus 25% of the remainder puts me at 24/40.
That is a combined score of 54/80. I doubt I passed with that, and that's even if I was lucky enough to guess 25% correctly. It is very discouraging that I could have passed this test if I'd just spent more money. Literally 8-10 easy layup questions in the afternoon. All you need is the DAMN MANUALS!!!!!!
Anyone else feel this way about the Civil Transpo exam?