It was in the 60s yesterday and they are calling for a winter storm starting tomorrow with the possibility of 4-6 inches of snow. If we don't get the snow, we're going to get freezing rain, so I prefer the snow if I have to choose. But damn I'd like spring to hurry the f' up!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I will not be complaining about such this year, nor will I tolerate it.Being unseasonably cold and wet for us, it was stated at work this morning that the first person to complain about the heat this summer gets a swift kick to the nuts.
I'm not sure that I have ever experienced "freezing fog"
Forecast calls for ice/sleet tomorrow and up to 3" of snow on Wednesday. The countdown to total city shutdown has begun...
It's 32F today and it feels like a GD heatwave. I swore it was 50 degrees. That's how bitter this winter has been.