~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Bitter cold helps SCE&G set power usage record

COLUMBIA, SC (AP) - This week's cold weather helped South Carolina Electric & Gas set a record for one-day power usage.

The utility said its customers used 101,118 megawatt hours of electricity Tuesday as lows dipped into the single-digits and teens and highs failed to get above freezing across most of the state.

The combination of high demand and weather-related failure of generating equipment forced SCE&G to use 15-minute rolling blackouts for the first time Tuesday morning to prevent more outages.

The previous record of 98,785 megawatts was set on Aug. 10, 2007, when the high in Greenville was 105 degrees and the high in Columbia was 107 degrees. Most of the state had seen several days of highs over 100.


Looks like a lot of folks have heat pumps and were relying on the heat strips.

Natural gas heat FTMFW!

That's my chosen path.

minisnick has no school again today due to "weather". my guess There are either waterline or pipe breaks at some of the schools or it is do to all the snow and the buses can't make the turns in the streets. The county has the unincorporated areas surrounding town broken into North and south townships and it is the townships job to plow the streets in those areas. The county gives them prorated $ from property taxes to operate. North has all the nice houses so they get a bigger chunk of money. The daycare lady said the South township had to layoff all its employees for the winter due to no $ so it was highly likely that it was the township commissioner driving the plow and he didn't do a good job.

^ welcome to PURE Michigan. Your trip begins at Michigan.org. ;)

The funny thing is I'm headed to the UP this weekend to go XC skiing. Easily could have just stayed home to do that.

See that's bs in my eyes. People have kids. Even though it was only for 15 minutes, it still could have been planned for by those it happened to.

No, it doesn't work that way. If the system is close to peak and there are multiple generators that trip off unexpectedly (in this case probably because something froze up) there is no time to respond. Electricity is the definition of just in time delivery, the generation HAS to equal the load, if it doesn't the whole grid goes black. That's why they shed some load rather than losing everyone. And they are rotating blackouts, only 15 minute periods. It's not like they shut people off for days.

Its just not right. I've such bad experiences with the electric companies. We have always been the last to get restoration when there's an outtage. And they lie. The least they can do is give an honest estimated answer. This past summer we lost power 2 days after a bad storm. A pole snapped and left a wire hanging a few feet across an intersection. They left it that way for a day and a half. I complained to the state Board of public utilities but got no where. They all suck in my opinion.

Waaa waaaa waaa. Come try working with us and see what it's like, you'll change your tune.

No, it doesn't work that way. If the system is close to peak and there are multiple generators that trip off unexpectedly (in this case probably because something froze up) there is no time to respond. Electricity is the definition of just in time delivery, the generation HAS to equal the load, if it doesn't the whole grid goes black. That's why they shed some load rather than losing everyone. And they are rotating blackouts, only 15 minute periods. It's not like they shut people off for days.

Yeah, something froze up, but they didn't say what it was.

I wonder if they just couldn't hold the load. From what I've read, it was a problem in eastern NC as well. Duke Power, maybe?

Bitter cold helps SCE&G set power usage record

COLUMBIA, SC (AP) - This week's cold weather helped South Carolina Electric & Gas set a record for one-day power usage.

The utility said its customers used 101,118 megawatt hours of electricity Tuesday as lows dipped into the single-digits and teens and highs failed to get above freezing across most of the state.

The combination of high demand and weather-related failure of generating equipment forced SCE&G to use 15-minute rolling blackouts for the first time Tuesday morning to prevent more outages.

The previous record of 98,785 megawatts was set on Aug. 10, 2007, when the high in Greenville was 105 degrees and the high in Columbia was 107 degrees. Most of the state had seen several days of highs over 100.


Looks like a lot of folks have heat pumps and were relying on the heat strips.

Natural gas heat FTMFW!

That's my chosen path.
I have both, for some reason...

...the previous owner had heat pumps installed, with the emergency heat being provided by gas furnaces rather than heat strips. :dunno:

Bitter cold helps SCE&G set power usage record

COLUMBIA, SC (AP) - This week's cold weather helped South Carolina Electric & Gas set a record for one-day power usage.

The utility said its customers used 101,118 megawatt hours of electricity Tuesday as lows dipped into the single-digits and teens and highs failed to get above freezing across most of the state.

The combination of high demand and weather-related failure of generating equipment forced SCE&G to use 15-minute rolling blackouts for the first time Tuesday morning to prevent more outages.

The previous record of 98,785 megawatts was set on Aug. 10, 2007, when the high in Greenville was 105 degrees and the high in Columbia was 107 degrees. Most of the state had seen several days of highs over 100.


Looks like a lot of folks have heat pumps and were relying on the heat strips.

Natural gas heat FTMFW!

That's my chosen path.
I have both, for some reason...

...the previous owner had heat pumps installed, with the emergency heat being provided by gas furnaces rather than heat strips. :dunno:

That's actually a fantastic way to set it up. I wonder if you can still get something like that, as my HVAC unit is 20 something.

I have both, for some reason...

...the previous owner had heat pumps installed, with the emergency heat being provided by gas furnaces rather than heat strips. :dunno:

That's what my boss has, though propane instead of natural gas. The propane furnace is primary if the temp is below 40 degrees, but the heat pump is primary above 40. Although he normally heats with wood anyway...

I have both, for some reason...

...the previous owner had heat pumps installed, with the emergency heat being provided by gas furnaces rather than heat strips. :dunno:

That's what my boss has, though propane instead of natural gas. The propane furnace is primary if the temp is below 40 degrees, but the heat pump is primary above 40. Although he normally heats with wood anyway...

Isn't that how NJ got their recent child?


Woke up to 4" of fresh snow and its still falling.

Current temp hovering right around the freezing point, roads are fairly slick. Hoping it stays with snow and doesn't switch to rain.

I have both, for some reason...

...the previous owner had heat pumps installed, with the emergency heat being provided by gas furnaces rather than heat strips. :dunno:
That's what my boss has, though propane instead of natural gas. The propane furnace is primary if the temp is below 40 degrees, but the heat pump is primary above 40. Although he normally heats with wood anyway...
Isn't that how NJ got their recent child?

^^^This : ;) : :thumbs:

In other news, the battle of Mike vs. The frozen washing machine is now over. Mike 1 - WM 0

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minisnick had another snow day today even though it is mid 30s

in the message they said there were still 8 or 9 areas that the buses could not get to...i.e. only a single lane plowed.

Temps continue to rise here in Boston. Expecting close to 50 deg tomorrow with rain for the Pats game at 8:15. I bet it will wreak havoc on the Frozen Fenway hockey games this weekend.

Well, change it to Flooded Fenway and you're all set.

As for the Pats game, I'll miss the snow bowls on real grass of 10 years ago. I also miss the the AFC title game wins.

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getting ready for another snow event combined with this polar vortex tomorrow. The weather folks have rubbed their magic ball and are predicting 4 to 8 inches with wind chills tomorrow night between 10 to 15 below zero. Thanks a lot Al Gore.

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getting ready for another snow event combined with this polar vortex tomorrow. The weather folks have rubbed their magic ball and are predicting 4 to 8 inches with wind chills tomorrow night between 10 to 15 below zero. Thanks a lot Al Gore.
I just got the weather alert for that same storm.
