~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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It snowed at my place too, only a 1/4" this time, but sure made the roads like a skating rink (again). Passed three vehicles in the ditch and two roll overs this morning (all with assistance already on scene)

It fsnowed at my fhouse last fnight. This fweather can go fitself. This is BS.
It's currently fsnowing now, and we're supposted to get another f1-3" of fsnow through tonight.

So much for almost setting record high temps earlier this week...

It's supposed to be 80 degrees here today. Last time it snowed was last Wednesday. Winter jumping straight into summer.

Supposed to be 82 here. We hit 84 yesterday. I think we're supposed to be back to something resembling normal by Friday. Time to put the snow blower in storage and break out the lawn-care tools.

I mowed the lawn on Sunday, helped a couple neighbors get their sprinkler systems up and running again, and the wife spent a couple hours on weed control. I'm ready to start complaining about the heat...

I drove around with the top & doors off the jeep yesterday.. have to admit it was pretty awesome..


It fsnowed at my fhouse last fnight. This fweather can go fitself. This is BS.
"I am winter storm Achilles, which is spanish for.... the Nino"

Our temps are all over the chart:

Wed - Hi 69, Lo 29 (yes it actually froze)

Thur - Hi 79, Lo 49

Fri - Hi 82, Lo 50 Then it's supposed to climb to a high of 91 on Tuesday next week.
