~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Ideal weather

Well, Barry doop-dee-doo'd through the 'hood this weekend.  Boy was that ever hyped up beyond measure!  At least for us, that is. 

Also, I was on national news on Friday / Saturday being interviewed about the approaching storm (Fox News).  I never saw the clip (no cable), but my dad did and he confirmed that I did not sound like a bumbling, slack-jawed southerner.  Just happened to be at the right place, at the right time, wearing the right shirt.

<<At least you were wearing a shirt.>>

Congrats MS!!!! I wish that I saw it.

Drove up into higher elevation Sunday (9K feet), was so nice to be a little cold for the day, but you could literally feel the heat shift in once we got back to Denver proper...

the news said that beginning today it gets on average  degree cooler every day between know and December (for Denver) so lets bring that **** down!

I know a friend from Atlanta texted me that it was low 70's and she was freezing! its 22 here!  (will be 65 Saturday) lol
