~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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86 degrees but defin need sun screen when outside!

It gets upper 90's but it's so nice that when the sun goes down it drops quickly, it's been high 50's in the mornings... Hard to beat ..

HEat index is 100-105 in Boston today.  AC car -> AC office = I don't care.

I'm ready for fall.. It still hot as F during the day, but at least when the sun goes down it is cool. We sat on back porch last night around 10 and almost needed a light jacket..

Buckle up folks, it might be a wild ride!!


Hurricanes/typhoons suck. Hopefully these ones will pass some distance away. An eye passage is the worst, think giant tornado that lasts for 6 hours.

This could be unprecedented because there has never been a hurricane in recorded history make landfall on the Big Island. I went through a few hurricanes and tropical storms when I was in college in eastern NC, so I know how bad it sucks, but they weren't like Typhoons that you see in the East(or is it West?) Pacific. Hopefully these two storms veer off their projected courses and leave us be.

I'm hoping the Big Island protects us and pushes these away.

As for the President, I'll be leaving work early today to hopefully bypass the cluster that will occur right at rush hour when he lands and goes to UH to give a speech (why do you schedule that during rush hour in one of the worst cities for traffic in the country?).
