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How old is your house? I like to say my house is haunted because I saw this young woman dressed in 1930s-1940s style clothing in my son's room one night, but I was deliriously exhausted, so I may have been hallucinating my own fantasies about haunted houses.

Edit: surprise top!

The house was built in the late 30's supposedly... however we are in the middle of an area where several civil war battles occurred... specifically the Ream's Station Battle.... and the rail road tracks that the Confederate soldiers tore up for the Petersburg battles actually would have run along near our property

Those hot dogs were not spectacular by any means.

If they were not talking, or at least singing and dancing, I would have to agree.

I'm basically a fantasy football genius, it's a heavy burden to bear, winning week after week. It really just comes down to math pure math, I have no idea why I (the engineer) keep winning every week against my college roommates (history, business, and English majors) and my wife (art major). It really is quite humbling to be the constant winner every week, I know that somebody must do it, but lord god does it have to be me?

Is there money involved?

It's amazing what an engineering mind-set can accomplish. I am currently working on several non-engineering projects, such as developing a new customer application process for our utility, and watching everyone else drift randomly about is really amazing. Until I stepped in, there was no vision, no strategy, no way forward. All it takes is just looking at something in the methodical and logical way an engineer does, and at the very least, a way to begin to figure out a solution becomes apparent.

I should add that getting the others to agree that there is a way forward is a very non-engineering skillset, and one that I am still working on!

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Alright, I can't NOT say this anymore: 10k's were a lot more fun when they were conversational.

None of these dinner time, mmbacon, time to go home posts.

You people are ruining my quality procrastination time.

Your quality procrastination time is when most of us are asleep. If you are going to live in tomorrow, you need to adjust your work hours to match our screwing around time.

This has certainly been more conversational than 10k's in the past...

The thing I dislike most about non-engineers is all the blah blah blah that goes nowhere. I don't mean conversation, I mean useless fluff words, spending 15 minutes introducing what it is that you're going to explain when 5 would suffice, and aimlessly talking to fill up an hour rather than effectively communicate.

I think the best 10k was the one with the stories, it took for freaking ever, but it was extremely entertaining. I treated reading that thread like a book as opposed to the normal check, post quickly, leave, check back, post quickly, leave I'm doing now. The stories themselves were pretty damn cool, but the conversations in response to and expounding upon the stories were just as grand.

How old is your house? I like to say my house is haunted because I saw this young woman dressed in 1930s-1940s style clothing in my son's room one night, but I was deliriously exhausted, so I may have been hallucinating my own fantasies about haunted houses.

Edit: surprise top!

The house was built in the late 30's supposedly... however we are in the middle of an area where several civil war battles occurred... specifically the Ream's Station Battle.... and the rail road tracks that the Confederate soldiers tore up for the Petersburg battles actually would have run along near our property
This sounds haunt-worthy to me. My house was built in 1928 in a relatively affluent neighborhood. The house across the street was built in the 1800s. I know nothing of the history that would make my house haunt-worthy. The old one across the street that's probably been there since before this was a neighborhood probably has some haunt-worthy history, though. Being that old, I mean. . . Who knows.
It's almost halloween. Scary stories people. I wanna hear about ghosts. Even if you don't believe in them.

How about ghost poops?

People here in the islands believe like crazy in spirits. A relative of my wife, who is currently living in Arizona, believes "spirits" talk to her all the time. They tell her that the CIA is watching her. She often hides inside the house to escape them and the black helicopters they send to spy on her and read her thoughts. She sees secret messages in license plates. All of her family thinks she's nuts, but it took me to bring up the word "schitzo" to get them to take it more seriously.

But crazy aside, there are a lot of people here who think they see ghosts. I don't believe any of it.

We got talking a bit more about it last night, and now there is a lot more creepy noises and things that I wonder about. I always just wrote off the 'cannon' type sounds because I am used to living near a military installation and there are a few historic battle field parks that I assumed gave demonstrations and did civil war reenactments but the timing has surprised me before.... Sunday morning before I go to church or late in the evening during the week doesn't make much sense when I think about it.

We also have train tracks along the back so any thing that has rattled or gone bump in the night I blamed on the trains or our animals. Gun fire is probably our redneck neighbors since there aren't many restrictions on where you can fire in our county.

The area in the woods where the well is pretty strange/spooky... but I think the man that walks around out here is the strangest.

All logically explained, however plenty of the reasoning could be incorrect.

I'm interested in the canons. At VMI, every evening at retreat (dusk when they lower the flags), they fire the evening gun (real name of the parade deck canon). The battlefield might do something similar, don't know, but it would make sense. As for Sunday mornings, that is a bit odd, but there might be some relevant fact that ties a Sunday morning firing in with an important event at that field.

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