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Post Toasties

edit: ToP, *******! And I only have, like, 4 posts in this thread! :bananalama:

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I'm basically a fantasy football genius, it's a heavy burden to bear, winning week after week. It really just comes down to math pure math, I have no idea why I (the engineer) keep winning every week against my college roommates (history, business, and English majors) and my wife (art major). It really is quite humbling to be the constant winner every week, I know that somebody must do it, but lord god does it have to be me?
Then why didn't you bring that trash talking FF genius to the league we have set up? I'm destroying Dex
Says the guy who is currently 2nd to Dex...

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My right eyelid keeps twitching. Not debilitating but definitely annoying.

Also a symptom of pesticide poisoning.... you'd better watch out!

OK. So for Dleg, the next POTUS, a longer post...

We (Mr. Tex and I) are thinking about bailing on work on Friday to go to the Vintage Nationals at the Circuit of Americas...

The more I think about it the more I know that's what we're doing Friday...

That's interesting because I have no idea what either of those things are.

So if Dleg is POTUS, do we all get cabinet appointments or cushy ambassador jobs?

Perhaps. I made appointments before, but that was a few years ago now, and several of the members have left. Plus I can't remember any of them anyway.

My first appointment, I think, will be Secretary of the Big Red Button. All nukes will be trained on Iran. Your job is to sit there with your finger poised to push the Big Red Button, at my command. A live video stream of you in this position will be shared with the President of Iran.

Problem solved.

^Probably coated with residual carbamate pesticides, which are now partially blocking your nerves from transmitting impulses. It'll go away.

LOL. (I've been studying pesticides in a master's program enviro chemistry class, so forgive me!)

I prefer the inorganic vegetables. The organic ones have too much carbon...

Ok, I'm about to get shut into an aluminum tube and fly to Baltimore. Adios until I'm allowed to turn on my phone again.

I have no idea.

Cabinet posts up for grabs:

Secretary of the Big Red Button

Minister of Senseless Internet Forum Games

Secretary of Making Dleg's Coffee

Secretary of Asteroid Belt Exploration

Secretary of Tunneling to China

Guy Who I Keep Hidden Under My Oval Office Desk and Knows Everything I Need to Know

Secretary of Fiances

Chief of Staph(ylococcus)

Janitor Dude Who is Actually Vice President

Vice President Who is Actually Janitor

Porn Master

NSA Mole

Sentient Drone Brain That Gives Me Advice (in a Jar)

Hot Chicks (Twelve of Them)

I'll add more later.

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