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you can predict the weather with your nose?
not my nose but my sinuses yes...with some accuracy. Can't tell you what's coming but that some sort of weather change is coming. not something I would wish on my worst enemies though. It hurts a lot and I just finally am getting over a sinus infection

you can predict the weather with your nose?
not my nose but my sinuses yes...with some accuracy. Can't tell you what's coming but that some sort of weather change is coming. not something I would wish on my worst enemies though. It hurts a lot and I just finally am getting over a sinus infection

after my knee surgery i could tell when systems(high&Low) were moving through. good thing after about six months the PT broke up some scar tissue and it went away.

Plyo is an intense workout. I always liked the core training workout best
You mean Core Synergistics? Yes that one is killer too. Love it.
Yes. that one is a great workout. I tried insanity, but my knees wouldn't keep up. considering getting t25. been told its good
Agreed. Insanity is just that. I wasn't a fan. I much rather prefer P90x because I like the warm-ups and cool-downs and the short breaks in between. Plus I just like the all-around comprehensive work-out it gives. I went through the whole 90 days and now just do a modified maintenance routine that involves only 45 min. workouts plus my own ab workout. That fits in really nice in the mornings and then I'm free able to do homework in the evenings.

I keep trying to get into the P90x routines, but I just can't seem to manage the 1hr+ workouts everyday and end up stopping after a few weeks.

I love the workouts, but I love my sleep in the AM more and my evenings never seem to have the available time...

i would never have any motivation to work out at home. but i will drive my self to a gym to work out.

I have found that I have an hour opening every day in the evening between getting home from work and my wife getting home with the kids. Of course that will all end once #3 arrives. wifey isn't going back to work.

Thanks. First of all I'd like to thank all of my family and friends, whom without, I would have never made it... Oh, and my dog... and my second grade science teacher.

I keep trying to get into the P90x routines, but I just can't seem to manage the 1hr+ workouts everyday and end up stopping after a few weeks.

I love the workouts, but I love my sleep in the AM more and my evenings never seem to have the available time...
Have you tried just doing 30 or 45 min. instead? The 1hr+ is fine for the actual program, but after that it just gets too long.

i would never have any motivation to work out at home. but i will drive my self to a gym to work out.
I was the exact opposite. Did not have enough time to devote to getting to the gym, the actual workout, shower, then return home. That was taking much too long to the point where I was skipping quite a few days. P90x I can do in my basement with my free weights and power gym. No driving anywhere and I can use my own shower. :)

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