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Wife might need the gall bladder removed. Damn!! At least it had the decency to wait until after vacation.

Had mine out a few years ago. One of the less painful/complicated surgeries I've had. Moving about after 2-3 days, and some of the pain from the entrapped air subsided after about a week (like a big fart you can't let out).

Ultra-sound says gallbladder is OK. But now they're stumped. F'in-A. Scary stuff when someone is in pain and dr's can;t identify the source after nearly 2 days.

was outside all of 5-10 minutes yesterday while the neighbor was cutting his grass and today I'm miserable sitting at my desk with kleenex stuffed up my nose.

I may be experiencing the onset of the crud my boys have had the past two weeks. I probably won't get it bad since, apparently, my immune system has been ultra powerful the past few years.
Hypothesis correct. Had a scratchy throat only in the morning and been fine since.

I'm thinking I might need to make a dr appoint for my ears again. A slight burning sensation in the ear canals and trying to wear ear plugs is a painful.

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I feel okay, except that I can't warm up today. It's not that cold here, and I have the heaters in some of the rooms turned on, but not even curling up on the couch in sweatpants and a sweatshirt under a blanket with a mug of hot herbal tea has helped. I just ate some rice noodle hot and sour soup and that worked for while I was eating it. I really hope that it's just a chill and isn't going to be the flu or something. Maybe a hot bath will help.

Ugh. I hate that feeling EG. Hope it doesn't turn into something more!

I felt similarly last weekend. I was shivering like crazy, couldn't warm up despite mug after mug of tea, yet if I pulled up a blanket felt like I was melting. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't find the right temperature regardless of how many blankets I had on or not.

Feel better!

I feel good, I just am having a REALLY hard time regulating my temp apparently. By the end of the day, I was in shorts and a t-shirt... then again this morning I was curled up trying to get warm, decided I needed to move around to and went up to the loft to finish sorting junk from the random boxes, and changed into shorts again cause I got warmed up... now I stopped to eat lunch and am back in yoga pants and a sweatshirt... the weather isn't fluctuating that much so I'm not sure why.

And thanks guys :)

EG, that temperature regulation issue sounds like what happened to my ma when she went through menopause. It happened to her in her mid 30's due to previous injuries that screwed up her hormones. I remember it being the middle of winter and her sitting in front of the AC unit blasting full cold with a tank top and shorts on.

Good luck getting through whatever bug you may be fighting.

I feel good, I just am having a REALLY hard time regulating my temp apparently. By the end of the day, I was in shorts and a t-shirt... then again this morning I was curled up trying to get warm, decided I needed to move around to and went up to the loft to finish sorting junk from the random boxes, and changed into shorts again cause I got warmed up... now I stopped to eat lunch and am back in yoga pants and a sweatshirt... the weather isn't fluctuating that much so I'm not sure why.

And thanks guys :)
You went from living in a warm state to one that has real seasonal weather changes...probably just getting used to it...hope not a bug
