--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Seriously Dex, hit the wallgreens on the way home and get some Tiger Balm. Then when the wifey gets home, politely ask her to aide you in application and then tell her to go make you a sammich. Hit the recliner with a heat pack applied. Tiger Balm, heat pack, sammich, recliner, 3x cold beers, and the history channel for two hours. You'll be a new man.

Went home early yesterday took sudefed and went to bed early...woke up normal today...it was a crazy allergic reatcion to something

thinking I may have a concussion... and debating about stitches... good gosh my head is pounding.

Last night I got bopped in the head with the window part of the tailgate of the jeep and the metal latch split my head open. I got it to stop bleeding after a few hours, but this morning when I took my shower it started back up again.

I still managed to get the cats to their vet appointment, and run to the hardware store... but I'm exhausted as my mom convinced herself she had to call me every few hours the WHOLE night to check on me... I decided to just get up around the 4 am phone call.

Gosh dang it, I had a lot to do today and now all I want to do is go back to sleep.

Yikes, get to the doctor! If it's not too terrible, and just in a bad spot, they may opt to glue it shut. That's what happen when I split the skin open right on my cheek bone.

when there is a potential concussion the emergency room will tell you to wake up every couple of hours for the next 24 hours or so to make sure there isn't someothing going on internally. So, EG, mom was just helping. Hope it heals quickly.

There is something in the air in the office that is bugging my allergies. I was fine on the way to work, my allergies when crazy soon after getting to work, got better when I went to my car at lunch to sit, got bad again when I returned to my desk

At the building we were in before the one we're in now, people were constantly coughing/sniffling/sneezing. Found out later that there was mold and other "stuff" in the ventilation system. At this new place we're at, hardly anyone has any allergy problems.

The GF got me sick as a dog. I'm going to kill her.

Baby YMZ and I got what I think is a second round/different strain of hand foot and mouth disease. She does nothing but cry or sleep all day. I feel like doing the same, on account of the severe migraines.

I really hope we didn't spread it to anyone we saw this weekend.

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It's all gone straight to my chest now, feel like my lungs are filled with concrete. Its insane how many chest infections I've been getting. I just finished off a course of antibiotics not even three weeks ago.

SUPE, It's been a funking weather year so far which is probably a major factor in it all. Early planting, late planting, early harvest...the mold and pollen counts have been sky high almost all year. Hope you feel better soon

yesterday and today are probably the first days in a long time my allergies have been under control...likely due to all the rain from issac. So I probably have a couple days of relief before the ground dries out enough to start harvesting again..

having a head that acts like a barometer is a PITA. Yesterday I woke up with my head spinning while laying down with my eyes shut and sinus headache. Walking was an interesting endevour. IT wasn't until after both the huge storms came through that I has some control. Today is better unless I move my head too quickly.

I may be experiencing the onset of the crud my boys have had the past two weeks. I probably won't get it bad since, apparently, my immune system has been ultra powerful the past few years.
