--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Sick time for us is an honor system. We're small enough not to require an official HR policy. I think I've been sick maybe 5 days in the last 8 years. Since I work mostly from home, I have to be pretty damn sick (On Purge) before I take time off for it.

therein lies a fundamental problem with PTO. The company combines "sick" time and "vacation" time, they are not giving out more vacation time. "sick" time should be used when you are sick.
Agreed, but the majority at my work don't want to burn into their bank, so they come to work and suffer. My previous employer had an honor system on sickness, in retrospect, seems better for both parties.

I went to a twice a year base meeting where the general praised six people who had worked there thirty years and never taken a day of sick leave. Guy next to me leaned over and said, "Those are the dumbest people on the base."

I feel like shit. Definite sinus infection coming on, throat is all scratchy and raspy.

I went to a twice a year base meeting where the general praised six people who had worked there thirty years and never taken a day of sick leave. Guy next to me leaned over and said, "Those are the dumbest people on the base."
Just imagine the sick time caused to others by those few individuals being praised!

I guess when they tel you to take antibiotics with food, you should have more than two pieces of bread. Stomach sounds seismically active.

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I guess when they tel you to take antibiotics with food, you should have more than two pieces of bread. Stomach sounds seismically active.
I know what you mean. Antibiotics and advil I have to eat with more than just little food or I feel it.

If I hadn't had a stupid conf call this morning...which the lawyer was a no show, I would have likely have stayed home to get back to 100%.

Holy mother of sinus infections. My head is going to explode, my eyes are on fire, and there are colors coming from my nose I never knew possible.

^^ Gross

I worked from home yesterday. My throat was scratchy and I felt pretty run down. I had to come in to the office today to get a few things done but I'm hoping to get out of here early. Today I added a stuffy nose and a cough to my list of symptoms. Advil Cold & Sinus knocked it out for me though. All three kids (including the 3 month old) have had it and they don't seem to skip a beat. They had mild coughs and runny noses this past weekend. I get knocked on my ass for 3 days. I wish I was as resilient as they are.

I must be on the road to feeling better.... there isn't enough food in the house right now to make me happy.
X2 on the food. Dinner last night was a tablespoon of peanut butter dipped into a jar of grape jelly.
