--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Had a stomach bug late Sunday & Monday, had a sore throat but was otherwise OK for most of Tuesday, then got hammered Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday - I couldn't even get out of bed Wed; my entire right side hurt. Left side felt fine though, which is weird - I think I might have pneumonia in one lobe of my lungs, not both like I usually get. Could barely talk yesterday.

And of course I'm at work today because everyone else is out of the office.

And I'm going through caffeine withdrawals, since I haven't had a caffeinated beverage since Sunday evening.

Sorry. Feel better Karen and drink a red bull or something. Tomorrow is Friday, rest over the weekend if you can...

Sorry. Feel better Karen and drink a red bull or something. Tomorrow is Friday, rest over the weekend if you can...
Hah! Over the weekend I get to catch up on my work. As for red bull, they're nasty. I've decided to just ride the headaches out, since I'm past the worst of them - I've actually been trying to quit caffeine for a while, but it's hard to do. Must have sugar water!

^Caffeine makes my skin crawl, I'm real sensitive to it.

Yet it's great for a migraine.
Actually, it isn't. Not really. Migraines are expansion of blood vessels; caffeine actually makes that worse. The reason it's used in medicines is that it also increases absorption rates significantly; you can take a higher dose in less time while the brain is on caffeine, allowing the brief spike of swelling to quickly shrink. That's why migraines get marginally worse right before they fade.

At least, that's how my neurologist explained it to me when I was 14 and starting to have frequent migraines. She'd handed me a sheet of things to avoid (including caffeinated beverages) and a prescription for Cafrecot; I got curious.

The things you learn on an engineering forum...

A friend once called me "The Fount of Mostly Useless Information".

But no, really. My family is split down the middle between medical and construction professions, so I know enough about medicine that I make a terrible patient - I want explanations and descriptions about everything.

Jut had x-rays to see if there is fluid in my lungs. If so, I'm probably spending the weekend in a backless dress with a free IV.

I'm asthmatic to start with, but I can barely breahte today.

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if my allergies act as usual...i should be miserable tomorrow. I got the lovely opportunity to be around both cats and a dog this weekend...yea me.

Ugh. Junior brought home a nasty cold from the neighbor's demon child. So of course, the day prior to X-mas to present, we have both been sneezing, wheezing, balls of mucus. Partnered with the fact the GF's mother has a dog and the entire house is covered in fur, and it has not been a very jolly vacation thus far.

Lung butter for sale, in case anyone is looking for some. "Brown" is on the store shelves. "Green" should be available in the next day or so.

anyone have any ibuprofen they can teleport to me? I have had this stupid headache/sinus issue for probably a month.

How close you you Wilheld to the bridge that the boat took out yesterday?
Obviously not close enough to hear it (or hear about it). Was it in Louisville?

EDIT: Just found the story. I live about 215 miles away from that bridge. It was in southwest Kentucky, near Paducah.

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