--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Did that a couple weeks ago on a bright day with fresh snow on the ground. the 5 minute walk from the doc's office to my car was pure agony since I left my shades in the car. Everything looked like an overexposed photograph.

Did that a couple weeks ago on a bright day with fresh snow on the ground. the 5 minute walk from the doc's office to my car was pure agony since I left my shades in the car. Everything looked like an overexposed photograph.
just the light in office was making my eyes water...
Earache? Earache my eye!
How'd you like a buttache?
What are you gonna do, tickle me?
Tickle you? Tickle you? I'll show you.....

My momma talkin' to me tryin' to tell me how to live

But I don't listen to her 'cause my head is like a sieve

My daddy, he disowned me 'cause I wear my sister's clothes

He caught me in the bathroom with a pair of pantyhose

My basketball coach, he done kicked me off the team

For wearin' high-heel sneakers and actin' like a queen

The world's comin' to an end, I don't even care

As long as I can have a limo and my orange hair

And it don't bother me if people think I'm "funny"

'Cause I'm a big rock star and I'm makin' lots of money

money, money, money, money, money, money

Ahhh! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

I'm so bloody rich! Ha ha ha ha

I own apartment buildings and shopping centers! Ha ha ha ha

And I only know three chords! Ha ha ha ha

oh my the muscles...since there was standing water in the ditch between the houses, i decided to try making some improvements to the ditch and get immediate results on the work. Hands, arms, back, abs, all sore this morning...

I got about half of it looking decent. Its at least flowing now. I need to raid our clay borrow source for the second half.

lovely...drove through tilling dust on the way here and got put in a room on the same floor as drywall remodeling going on...my allergies are acting up

Wish I could have called in sick. Caught the bug from mini-MS and I feel like doodie. Nose all stopped up, eyes watering and whatnot. May leave at noonish after my last meeting.

the pressure... :brickwall:
Mm ba ba de

Um bum ba de

Um bu bu bum da de

Pressure pushing down on me

Pressing down on you no man ask for

Under pressure - that burns a building down

Splits a family in two

Puts people on streets

Um ba ba be

Um ba ba be

De day da

Ee day da - that's o.k.

It's the terror of knowing

What this world is about

Watching some good friends

Screaming 'Let me out'

Pray tomorrow - gets me higher

Pressure on people - people on streets

Day day de mm hm

Da da da ba ba


Chippin' around - kick my brains around the floor

These are the days it never rains but it pours

Ee do ba be

Ee da ba ba ba

Um bo bo

Be lap

People on streets - ee da de da de

People on streets - ee da de da de da de da

It's the terror of knowing

What this world is about

Watching some good friends

Screaming 'Let me out'

Pray tomorrow - gets me higher high high

Pressure on people - people on streets

Turned away from it all like a blind man

Sat on a fence but it don't work

Keep coming up with love

but it's so slashed and torn

Why - why - why ?

Love love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking

Can't we give ourselves one more chance

Why can't we give love that one more chance

Why can't we give love give love give love give love

give love give love give love give love give love

'Cause love's such an old fashioned word

And love dares you to care for

The people on the edge of the night

And love dares you to change our way of

Caring about ourselves

This is our last dance

This is ourselves

Under pressure

Under pressure


Well, my allergies transformed themselves into a raging sinus infection, asthma, and an unbearably sore throat. MIAF has the same. Last night screaming session on the phone didn't help my throat any, either.

ok so either this sinus medicine isn't working or else the pressure headache got SOO bad that it just taking the edge off and I would have been 100x worse not having taken the meds in the first place

hacky up a lung this morning...they were cutting the grass along the highway yesterday and farmers were tilling all along the strech I was driving.
