--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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the grants farm visit is finally catching up to me...darn allergies. Cats are almost immediate reaction but the other furry animals there is a couple day lag in the major symptoms/annoyances/utter miserableness

My allergies have been whoopin my ass since I moved to the new house. It's a combination of all the cleaning supplies used to clean-out the old house, the dust kicked up during the move, the fact that the new house is in a construction zone (yes, I know, I work construction too), plus the new house is only a couple hundred feet from weed-infested, dried out open-space.

My problem isn't the snot, it's the nasal swelling. My sinuses will get so swollen that any trace of mucus will shut them down, and no amount of nose blowing or NeilMed Sinus Rinse (yes, I have one of these too) seem to work. I finally found a medicine that seems to help: Aleve-D Sinus & headache.

Man, I still feel like shit.

Went to the ER Tuesday night, massive asthma attack, coughing fits, just couldn't breathe. This was after already being on steroids and some cough suppressant pills that didn't work worth a damn. Went in at 7:30 PM, didn't leave until 4:00 in the F'ING morning. I received MAYBE 20 minutes of actual treatment during that time, all for them to send me out with some antibiotics and stronger cough suppressant, and a diagnosis of "well, it's really bizarre that there isn't any fluid in your lungs, but we're pretty sure you have some sort of bacterial upper respiratory infection."

So, I get to enjoy two cough suppressants, more steroids, more inhalers, some antibiotics, and pray this stuff goes away in a hurry. Trying to move around or concentrate when you're sitting and panting like a dog really doesn't help.

Sorry you're not feeling well. Allergies, maybe? Too wet=mold, too dry = dust...maybe some time in a plastic bubble?

It's never easy to rest in the hospital. Get better soon.

ER's suck. Unless it's truly a life/death emergency they take their time getting to you. I think they hope you heal while you're waiting so they don't need to do anything.

Supe: I hope you breathe easier soon.

Sorry you're not feeling well. Allergies, maybe? Too wet=mold, too dry = dust...maybe some time in a plastic bubble?
It's never easy to rest in the hospital. Get better soon.

I typically get a sinus infection with the weather swings due to seasonal allergies. In the past they'd always been manageable, but this time, Junior came home with something from school (as soon as it started up again), and it went from my sinuses straight to my lungs in less than 48 hours. Felt like a sinus infection, but ended up not being one.

ER's suck.
My Dad and Uncle were in the ER when a guy had a heart attack. They told the nurse he needed a doctor, and none came. Guy died, and sat there dead for a while before anyone checked on him.

After that, Dad called us all together and told us never to go to the ER. Call an ambulance.

Definitely loosening up, but a lot more blood in the sputum than I feel comfortable with. I'm hoping it's just the remnants of the infection. Lung capacity is going up though, so I guess that's a good sign.

Feel like dog ass this morning. Sore throat and runny / stuffy nose, even after DayQuil. Should have stayed in bed.

Feel like dog ass this morning. Sore throat and runny / stuffy nose, even after DayQuil. Should have stayed in bed.
I've been going through that for about a week now, in addition to my back being tweaked again. Add in a shitty Monday to that and I'd much rather be somewhere other than work.

ER's suck. Unless it's truly a life/death emergency they take their time getting to you.
Coming from someone who has multiple family members working in a hospital (including a ER charge nurse): If you really want to be seen right away, all you have to do is complain of chest pain and difficulty breathing. Granted, it will end up pissing off the staff after they realize you're not having a heart attack and most likely generate a TON of extra expensive tests that they will find a way to disqualify your insurance from paying for, but at least you'll be seen quickly.

Honestly, the reason most ER's suck is because "emergency room" is spanish for "free clinic to treat anything from a hang nail to a sniffle for anyone who doesn't have insurance." If I had a nickel for every story my family would tell me about people coming in for treatment for something that has been bothering them for weeks but suddenly became an issue tonight at 3am, I would definintely have "fatty money".

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ER's suck. Unless it's truly a life/death emergency they take their time getting to you.
Coming from someone who has multiple family members working in a hospital (including a ER charge nurse): If you really want to be seen right away, all you have to do is complain of chest pain and difficulty breathing. Granted, it will end up pissing off the staff after they realize you're not having a heart attack and most likely generate a TON of extra expensive tests that they will find a way to disqualify your insurance from paying for, but at least you'll be seen quickly.

Honestly, the reason most ER's suck is because "emergency room" is spanish for "free clinic to treat anything from a hang nail to a sniffle for anyone who doesn't have insurance." If I had a nickel for every story my family would tell me about people coming in for treatment for something that has been bothering them for weeks but suddenly became an issue tonight at 3am, I would definintely have "fatty money".

Dex, I did just that and walked in gasping/beat red in the face - still sat there for hours on end (with blood pressure in the 170/something range).


...woke up with a stomach bug yesterday. Just drinking water to quickly would make everything come back up. I'm feeling a ton better today, but I'm still not good enough to go into the office and I still haven't eaten anything since dinner on Saturday.
