--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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I kinda wish someone would amputate me from the neck up...ain't much up there anyway.

I was cleaning out a garage last weekend and moving stuff that had been there 25 years. The mold and dust that got kicked up made my eyes burn and my skin itch, I thought my throat was just irritated from that too. Held off seeing the doc for longer than I should have and am paying for it.

My frickin' foot is killing me!

Was on the computer the other night and my leg fell asleep. I stood up to walk it off, and thought I was flatfooted. Apparently, I was wrong, because the side of my foot was actually touching the ground when I went to put my weight on it. End result, my foot rolled underneath my body, and I went down like a ton of bricks. Outside of my foot is all swollen and bruised now, and it hurts like hell to walk on it!

My frickin' foot is killing me!

Was on the computer the other night and my leg fell asleep. I stood up to walk it off, and thought I was flatfooted. Apparently, I was wrong, because the side of my foot was actually touching the ground when I went to put my weight on it. End result, my foot rolled underneath my body, and I went down like a ton of bricks. Outside of my foot is all swollen and bruised now, and it hurts like hell to walk on it!
my MIL did that two yrs ago on xmas eve. she ended up with a few broken bones in her foot. combined with her osteoperosis, it took a full yr to heal. She was at a point she had a minielectrothepary machine to hook up to her foot.

It doesn't feel like anything is broken. It's fine when I stand with the weight on my heel, but as soon as the toes bend when I'm in stride and the muscle starts to stretch, I'm seeing stars.

Torn pectoral and intercostal muscles from a ski fall last week. Ugh.
Ouch! I hope you heal up quickly.
I landed with all my weight on my right elbow, my chest took a jolt and I felt a distinct pop. Hurt like hell but didn't keep me on the sidelines. I'm paying for a week of playing outside with a torn muscle right now.

Torn pectoral and intercostal muscles from a ski fall last week. Ugh.
sounds painful.
It is! Luckily it's my right side and I'm left handed. It hurts to lift anything heavier than a can of soup in my right hand.

Torn pectoral and intercostal muscles from a ski fall last week. Ugh.
"Ski fall"...yeah right. Trying to cover up for an embarrassing masturbation accident, I see.
Not this time. But I do have everyone in the office convinced the wrist brace I'm wearing is from carpal tunnel from too much AutoCAD... :jerkit:

Foot is still messed up. Still shuffling around like a troll. If it doesn't get better by the end of the week, off to the doctor I go.

house full of sickie here. mr snick has a cold and minisnick has been throwing up every several hours since the middle of the night.

hopefully i don't catch either one

house full of sickie here. mr snick has a cold and minisnick has been throwing up every several hours since the middle of the night.
hopefully i don't catch either one
I hope not too, snick, but the odds are against you.

My husband and I have both been sick with a cold for several days. It's rare that we are sick at the same time. I'm getting better, but he's still pretty sick. YUK!

minisnick is still under the weather. Goes through phases, super happy go lucky playing and laughing, then crabby crying, hold me mommy but I don't want to go to sleep.

He just finally went down for his nap.

Junior is sick and booger encrusted. I pray I don't get what she has.
