--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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I've been coughing for nearly two weeks now, and it's not loosening up at all.

Supe, give it another two weeks and you'll be fine... probably only pneumonia...
The cough is the only symptom, and it's a tight, asthmatic cough. The problem is I can't burn up my sick hours because I need them for my annual full body scan, and the area where I live is so remote that none of the walk-in clinics/doctors offices are open on off-work hours.

I got some hot chilli's in my eye last night. What is worse is that I had my contacts in.
I had flushed my eye for over an hour before the burning stopped. Now, I have an irritated red eye that will be swollen for a few days.

All I can do now is laugh at myself. :p
Not done that before, but I once got hot chili on my GF nipple. Don't ask, but let me tell you, IT WAS NOT A GOOD THING. I am basically still living it down.

I really like cooking with fresh peppers, so I use latex gloves now when I am cutting them up.

^Hot pepper residue on the fun parts in never a good thing. Even if you wash your hands first, it still hurts.

I had to take a leak shortly after roasting and dicing some fresh chilis a couple years ago. I was in agony for a good 15 minutes after the fact. Sometimes its best just to sit on the throne to do that to avoid touching anything.

Damnit. I felt the infamous nose/throat tickle last night, and sure enough, yet another full-blown sinus infection. It couldn't have hit me earlier when I went to the doctors office? Now I have no way of getting antibiotics, and I'm stuck driving 6 hours to Virginia Beach and sitting through a wedding on Friday.

Holy crap I feel horrible.

Called out sick yesterday. Had no choice. I couldn't even crawl off the bathroom floor until 10:00 am.

A few days ago, MILF's daughter had the pukes and shits. Didn't think anything of it until our trip to VA beach this weekend, when MILF started feeling nauseous during the wedding. Sure enough, she pukes all over the mall parking lot, and continues violently spewing from both ends through the following morning. Naturally, during the last few hours of the drive home, I start feeling a bit queasy...

At 4 am, I run into the bathroom and barf. An hour later, I barf again. An hour later, I barf again, and again, and again... The last barf was so violent, that it actually swirled around the bowl, splashed out from under the seat, and covered both myself, and about 15% of my bathroom.

It finally subsided in the early afternoon, but now I am sore from head to toe, and am so dehydrated that I have the hangover headache from hell.

Holy crap I feel horrible.
Called out sick yesterday. Had no choice. I couldn't even crawl off the bathroom floor until 10:00 am.

A few days ago, MILF's daughter had the pukes and shits. Didn't think anything of it until our trip to VA beach this weekend, when MILF started feeling nauseous during the wedding. Sure enough, she pukes all over the mall parking lot, and continues violently spewing from both ends through the following morning. Naturally, during the last few hours of the drive home, I start feeling a bit queasy...

At 4 am, I run into the bathroom and barf. An hour later, I barf again. An hour later, I barf again, and again, and again... The last barf was so violent, that it actually swirled around the bowl, splashed out from under the seat, and covered both myself, and about 15% of my bathroom.

It finally subsided in the early afternoon, but now I am sore from head to toe, and am so dehydrated that I have the hangover headache from hell.
aren't kids great? :D

Didn't think anything of it until our trip to VA beach this weekend, when MILF started feeling nauseous during the wedding. Sure enough, she pukes all over the mall parking lot, and continues violently spewing from both ends through the following morning. Naturally, during the last few hours of the drive home, I start feeling a bit queasy...
Are you dating Fudgey's sister?

Supe: whatever that bug is... keep it down there.

when MILF started feeling nauseous during the wedding.
Is there something that you aren't telling us?

oh, and instead of MILF should she be now referred to as MIAF (I am)?

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No AC Slatering witnessed, and the only one more interested in the bathroom than the ballroom was MIAF.

As for the wedding, no, I haven't eloped. One of MIAF's old friends was getting married at Ft. Eustis, so this weekend's trip doubled as a wedding/pre-birthday party for her daughter at the grandmother's house.

(P.S - I will refer to her as MIAF for technical purposes, though it should be emphasized that I definitely still love to do so.)

We've had the annual fall cold/sinus infection floating around our house for about a month now. The kids had it first and they had runny noses for about 2 days. Then my wife and I caught it and felt like dog squeeze for the better part of a week. I am still coughing about 10 days later.

Hopefully that means I won't get sick between now and next Tuesday. I'm heading out to Western Kansas for the opening of pheasant season on Friday and will hopefully be blasting innocent little birdies out of the sky by 7:00 on Saturday morning.

I was in Chicago this past weekend visiting an old friend and she had her 4 year old son with her most of the time we were hanging out during the day. He was pretty sick but she said it was just a cold.

She called me last night to tell me he has swine flu!

I am nervous because I was majorly exposed. Today I am very fatigued and have the beginnings of a sore throat but no fever so I have to just wait and see. Dr. said there is nothing preventative they will do. :shakehead:
