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I have not been fortunate enough to have my face smothered with a "cat" :eyebrows: but I've been super-congested the past couple of days.
haha very funny. I am super allergic to cats, the throat starts to close if I'm around them too long.

haha very funny. I am super allergic to cats, the throat starts to close if I'm around them too long.

I have no use for cats so it would not bother me a bit if you wanted to drown them all. I understand that it's been a bad year for allergies, hope you make it through.

I have not been fortunate enough to have my face smothered with a "cat" :eyebrows: but I've been super-congested the past couple of days.
You know, I always get hairs caught in my throat when I do that. Maybe that's snickerd's problem; not the allergies. A hair in the throat will do it every time.

I suggest shaving the cat.

I got some hot chilli's in my eye last night. What is worse is that I had my contacts in.

I had flushed my eye for over an hour before the burning stopped. Now, I have an irritated red eye that will be swollen for a few days.

All I can do now is laugh at myself. :p

I got some hot chilli's in my eye last night. What is worse is that I had my contacts in.
I had flushed my eye for over an hour before the burning stopped. Now, I have an irritated red eye that will be swollen for a few days.

All I can do now is laugh at myself. :p
I hope the best for your eye!

Getting toothpaste in your eye is not fun either, but it does stop burning soon.

I use a hydrogen peroxide based cleaner nightly for my contacts, and one morning I accidentally rinsed the lens with that solution right before inserting it into my eye. Ouch. Somehow I opened my eye and got the contact out and rinsed my eye out under the faucet for about 10 minutes. My eye was still red 3 days later.

^^ Ouch!

Well, all that I can say that I won't be wearing contacts for a while. :)

dealing with annoying eye allergies this week. The only parts that are red and bloodshot are those that are exposed. The eyeball under the eyelids are nice and white.

dealing with annoying eye allergies this week. The only parts that are red and bloodshot are those that are exposed. The eyeball under the eyelids are nice and white.
you're not alone. I keep rubbing my left eye in the hopes the "itch" will go away but it just gets more red and bloodshot. what a PITA.

I hope its not the dreaded...pink eye!


you're not alone. I keep rubbing my left eye in the hopes the "itch" will go away but it just gets more red and bloodshot. what a PITA.
Oh the itch...I am quite familar with...which is probably what put me here. The left eye is usually the culprit...if i can resist the urge I'm usually ok, but the itch was too much handle the other day. The right eye, however, I might actually have a real scratch in it. The corner of the tissue brushed the eyeball this weekend. So a double whammy.

I've been lucky this year. I've never been able to pinpoint my allergies. Some years its early spring, others its summer or fall. But I'm generally good for about 2 weeks of mucousy misery at some point during the year. So far I've been in the clear this year, surprising since it has been a VERY wet year here.

My allergies are lessening as I get older. I think part of that is being away from my parents' house. Everytime I go there, my eyes puff up and my asthma really kicks in. They are not the neatest of people and I know there is a mold (or approved equal) problem downstairs. Not to mention they have a flea problem. I dropped my dog off with them when I went on vacation, and came back to find him swarming with fleas and a nasty skin infection on his belly. I was pissed. I hate to do it, but next time its off to the pet motel at Petsmart for him.

Ughhhh...caught something nasty over the weekend. Feels flu like - achey, tired, head ache, nausea, tummy out of whack. Stayed home from work today. Can't say I'm surprised. Been under a lot of stress lately and I'm sure my system is worn down.

My kid came down with the flu last night. My wife's uncle who is a pediatrician said that the way it came on it was probably swine flu, or Type A, H1N1. He was fine at about 5:00 pm last night and by 7:00 he had a 102 fever, wouldn't eat, and was babbling nonsense. Rather scary. Gave him Tylenol through the night to keep the fever down. My wife is taking him to the doctor this morning. My wife's uncle said that he's seeing 15 to 20 new cases a day but the H1N1 strain that's been floating around down here is responding well to Tamiflu if you get it within 12 to 24 hours of showing symptoms.

Ughhhh...caught something nasty over the weekend. Feels flu like - achey, tired, head ache, nausea, tummy out of whack. Stayed home from work today. Can't say I'm surprised. Been under a lot of stress lately and I'm sure my system is worn down.
He's got the swine flu...send him to quarantine!

My kid came down with the flu last night. My wife's uncle who is a pediatrician said that the way it came on it was probably swine flu, or Type A, H1N1. He was fine at about 5:00 pm last night and by 7:00 he had a 102 fever, wouldn't eat, and was babbling nonsense. Rather scary. Gave him Tylenol through the night to keep the fever down. My wife is taking him to the doctor this morning. My wife's uncle said that he's seeing 15 to 20 new cases a day but the H1N1 strain that's been floating around down here is responding well to Tamiflu if you get it within 12 to 24 hours of showing symptoms.
Sorry about junior. Hope he's ok.

I don't think I've got the full blown flu, just nasty flu type symptoms. Not sure what my temp is as the battery on the thermometer gave out and I don't feel like schlepping out to get one, though according to my wife's ever so scientific hand against my forehead test, I'm pretty warm. Whatever I got sure ain't much fun.

The last couple of days of my vacation 2 weeks ago, I had a tweeked back. The back started to get better early last week, but then I took on a nasty cold. I just got over the cold yesterday, and last night, I could hardly sleep because my elbow was hurting. Turns out I now have tendinitis of the Triceps tendon. That is going to make P90X interesting. Today was Back & Biceps, and I definitely phoned it in on a few exercises because I didn't want to make the tendon worse.
