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We have a swiss recipe for cheese fondue we got while we were in swizterland. we haven't tried it yet though as we can't decide on a fondue pot. Not to mention it will be at least an hours drive to find all the ingredients. Darn small town with no diverseness in culture.
we bought a ceramic cheese fondue pot recently to replace our old cheap one that we gave to our son at college.

fondue pot

It gives a nice even heat so the stuff doesnt burn on the bottom.

I lived at home for college. That's when I learned how to cook and learned that I love to do so. As I got further along I would make dinner for my folks and me at least once a week. It was good practice for living on my own, plus the chance to slice the hell out of something with a knife was a therapeutic practice after a whole weekend of advanced treatment plant design.

he's in his second year and he's in a 3 br apartment. they have a family type meal once a week and he does fondue for his turn.

I'm actually looking for an electric fondue pot to do lunch at the snow refuge warming hut at the top of arapahoe basin ski area.

Usually I am the considerate person who stays home when I'm sick. I've decided enough with that bullshit. Everyone else comes in and is sitting on huge piles of sick time. I'm here to infect all those mo-fos like they did me. Suck it.


Usually I am the considerate person who stays home when I'm sick. I've decided enough with that bullshit. Everyone else comes in and is sitting on huge piles of sick time. I'm here to infect all those mo-fos like they did me. Suck it.
That's exactly what I did. I took out 3 of them, 2 of them subcontracts guys.

allergies suck. Thought I was slightly better today, so I came into work but a sinus headache has decided start up. :brickwall:

I must say I'm disappointed...our geographical spread seems wide enough that someone here should have reported swine flu.

I hate the spring. I'm already on my 3rd allergy attack this year, last year a had a grand total of 2.

Anyone elses throat and area below the chin get itchy after coughing? This week's allergy attack feel's like i've smothered my face with a cat, but I haven't been around one. :wacko:

I have not been fortunate enough to have my face smothered with a "cat" :eyebrows: but I've been super-congested the past couple of days.
