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Had a bad case of chocolate shotgun over the weekend and seriously considered having a friend with swine flu sneeze in my face so I could avoid attending a baby shower.

Thankfully the olfactory assault and vitriol was sufficient to keep me out of harm's way.

I took the skull of a medium sized hound mix at full speed into the side of my knee yesterday, and for good measure got a scratch from a bulldog on the face while I was on the ground following said collision.

My knee is throbbing today.

Does anyone know how you successfully navigate around a crowded dog park on icy ground without hurting something? I haven't figured this out yet.

I'd think you'd better watch out where you fall in a crowded dog park.

Tweaked my knee skiing with my mom yesterday. All is well, just a little sore. I used my one day a week ski pass yesterday, so I'v got at least a week and a half off the slopes...plenty of time to recover.

is the one day a week a locals deal? which day?
Locals deal? From the Aspen Ski Co? You a very, very funny man! They have a pass this year called the 'Flex Pass'. Anyone can get it. The SkiCo did away with the 2-day a week pass; instead you get the Flex Pass, and if you want to ski more than one day a week, the other days are 1/2 price. Not a bad deal for me. You can ski any day of the week. Weeks run Monday through Sunday.

is the one day a week a locals deal? which day?
Locals deal? From the Aspen Ski Co? You a very, very funny man! They have a pass this year called the 'Flex Pass'. Anyone can get it. The SkiCo did away with the 2-day a week pass; instead you get the Flex Pass, and if you want to ski more than one day a week, the other days are 1/2 price. Not a bad deal for me. You can ski any day of the week. Weeks run Monday through Sunday.
my wife used to have a continuing education conference at Snowmass every year the week after new year's and we would get the 4 day pass they offer for locals. it was awesome.

now they moved the conference to Vail, which kinda sucks IMO.

is the one day a week a locals deal? which day?
Locals deal? From the Aspen Ski Co? You a very, very funny man! They have a pass this year called the 'Flex Pass'. Anyone can get it. The SkiCo did away with the 2-day a week pass; instead you get the Flex Pass, and if you want to ski more than one day a week, the other days are 1/2 price. Not a bad deal for me. You can ski any day of the week. Weeks run Monday through Sunday.
my wife used to have a continuing education conference at Snowmass every year the week after new year's and we would get the 4 day pass they offer for locals. it was awesome.

now they moved the conference to Vail, which kinda sucks IMO.
The Classic Pass. They still have it, both in 4-day and 7-day form. Too bad it got moved...you could learn me some skiing trix!


$25 to park, $95 lift ticket, 3 chairlift rides, each with 20 minute lines just to get to decent skiing, most expensive lunch on the planet. then a 5 mile long traverse to get back where you started.

is the one day a week a locals deal? which day?
Locals deal? From the Aspen Ski Co? You a very, very funny man! They have a pass this year called the 'Flex Pass'. Anyone can get it. The SkiCo did away with the 2-day a week pass; instead you get the Flex Pass, and if you want to ski more than one day a week, the other days are 1/2 price. Not a bad deal for me. You can ski any day of the week. Weeks run Monday through Sunday.
I'm not a skier but I hear tell that the bigger eastern ski areas let you buy a lift pass by the run. For example, say you buy 12 runs and then after two runs you think conditions suck that day or the crowds are too overwhelming and you don't want to hang around, then you can return another day and use up the rest of the ryuns on the ticket. I believe tickets last for the full season. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I'd be surprised if the western ski areas didn't adopt a similar system.
