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Vail. $25 to park, $95 lift ticket, 3 chairlift rides, each with 20 minute lines just to get to decent skiing, most expensive lunch on the planet. then a 5 mile long traverse to get back where you started.
For me: $0 to park (in laws live in Snowmass Village, with bus access), season pass already paid for (but daily tix are $96), 2 lift rides to good terrain, no waits (2 minutes at most), 2nd most expensive lunch on the planet. Decent skiing back down to where you started.

is the one day a week a locals deal? which day?
Locals deal? From the Aspen Ski Co? You a very, very funny man! They have a pass this year called the 'Flex Pass'. Anyone can get it. The SkiCo did away with the 2-day a week pass; instead you get the Flex Pass, and if you want to ski more than one day a week, the other days are 1/2 price. Not a bad deal for me. You can ski any day of the week. Weeks run Monday through Sunday.
I'm not a skier but I hear tell that the bigger eastern ski areas let you buy a lift pass by the run. For example, say you buy 12 runs and then after two runs you think conditions suck that day or the crowds are too overwhelming and you don't want to hang around, then you can return another day and use up the rest of the ryuns on the ticket. I believe tickets last for the full season. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I'd be surprised if the western ski areas didn't adopt a similar system.
That is a great idea! I like it.

Woke up yesterday with a 102.9 F fever. Everything seemed ok when laying down, but as soon as I stood up, all bets were off. Several gallons of water and handfulls of dayquil later, I woke up to a 101.5 fever today. Definately not cool. My eyes still feel like they're going to explode out of my face.

Unfortunately, I shared the same bug with my wife. Hopefully, the baby won't get sick.

Felt like crap Friday, and it's just getting progressively worse. Can only breathe out of one nostril, throat is scratchy, I can't stand it. I think I've been sick more times since moving to NC than all the years cumulatively that I didn't live here.

ugh...in the past hour my stomach has started hurting and I've got chills. Last week my son came home sick from school and threw up all over the rug. A friends son had the same stomach bug over the weekend. I hope I'm not getting it too...

Felt like crap Friday, and it's just getting progressively worse. Can only breathe out of one nostril, throat is scratchy, I can't stand it. I think I've been sick more times since moving to NC than all the years cumulatively that I didn't live here.
I think when you are living with other people your chances of getting sick go way up. Especially if one of them is a kid.

ugh...in the past hour my stomach has started hurting and I've got chills. Last week my son came home sick from school and threw up all over the rug. A friends son had the same stomach bug over the weekend. I hope I'm not getting it too...
holy schmoly! on day 3 of the worst stomach bug ever!

I think when you are living with other people your chances of getting sick go way up. Especially if one of them is a kid.
I went for several years catching maybe one minor cold per year. That all ended when my son started preschool.

holy schmoly! on day 3 of the worst stomach bug ever!
Three days is a long time to be VTA. Hope you start feeling better soon.

day 4.

will this ever end?! I'm losing the will to live... Everyone around here has it. It's a bad bug, but most people get it for about 2 days. Both of my kids were over it in about a day. The good news is I think I've almost hit my goal weight!

Ugh, can I still post in here even if I came into work today? I just feel foggy today. Had a scratchy throat yesterday, that's transitioned into a loopy/foggy feeling today, I hope this improves before tomorrow. I'm supposed to be doing a Habitat for Humanity build tomorrow. It would suck to not feel 100% for that or have to skip it entirely. :\

Ugh...just back from having some sort of flu/cold thing here. Yesterday was the first day I sat up since Wednesday. Fever is gone, but I'm still pretty ragged around the edges.

Sometimes people don't realize that the "cold" symptoms they are having this time of year are actually allergy symptoms. Tree pollen is starting to become more prevelant right about now. My mom was telling me that she was coming down with a cold because she had a sore throat, sinus pressure and was sneezing. I told her to take her allergy medicine and the next day she felt fine. Sore throat, sneezing, sinus congestion, and headaches are all symptoms of allergies. You can check out pollen levels in your area here: http://www.aaaai.org/nab/index.cfm?p=pollen

Of course if you had a fever, well then, yeah, you were sick. glad to hear you're feeling a little better Capt'n.

i didn't need to call in sick this morning, but Mini-snick is already getting sinus headaches. He definitely felt the stormfront that came through last night, so did I for that matter. He has had a mild fever for a few days that comes and goes. But last night while trying to cool him down i rubbed his forehead. when I stopped he grabbed my hand and pulled back it back to his forehead and moved it back and forth, like hey don't stop.

Allergies out the yin-yang, and was just given three prescriptions for a combination sinus and ear infection. The ear infection is the most painful thing I've had in a long time. Why I showed up for work the past two days is beyond me, though I came in late yesterday.

I am feeling like dog squeeze today. I have an ear infection and sinus infection. I am on antibiotics and a steroid but it really stinks to be sick when it's 75 degrees and sunny on a Saturday. We had an awesome day planned too. We were supposed to go ride bikes this morning, go out on the boat this afternoon, and Mrs. Chuck got us steaks for dinner. I'm still in bed and am watching a Deadliest Catch marathon instead. :(

I am fighting off crud between upper respritory infection and stomach stuff that started on Friday. THis is the second night of not much sleep so I called in today. Hopefully I will be okay for tomorrow. I think this may be the 1st time in over year to call in sick except for a dental emergency.

I had a mild cold all last week while I was in Palau putting on a workshop. Not a huge problem, but definitely took the edge off the fun.

When I got back, I developed a cold sore, which has now grown into the Cold Sore From Hell. Holy crap, these things suck. I've developed a pretty impervious attitude toward public embarassment, but I've been asked "Dude, where has your mouth been?" so many times this week that I am genuinely reluctant to leave the house now.

Why is there so much stigma associated with cold sores? When I was a kid in the 70s, you got them occasionally and didn't think much of them. But after all the herpes STD awareness programs, Saturday Night Live skits, and drug advertizements, it's "guilty until proven innocent" on the STD connection, even though something like 85% of the population carries the non-sexually transmitted version of it.

