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The twins are coming off of formula and switching to whole milk (thank god!), we can't wait until we don't have to buy anymore diapers!!!
College is more expensive than diapers. :( We just got our older daughter graduated this month. The younger one starts next Fall.

Short term goals here Mary, we have three college educations and we are not even thinking about weddings and/or grad schools.


...can I still post in here if I feel terrible, but I'm still at work on a Saturday? It is Saturday right? :wacko:


I have finally rejoined the land of the living after battling 5 days of the flu. I haven't felt this bad in ages... I couldn't sleep, eat or practically move. What an awful experience. I am glad it is nearing its end.

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I've had influenza twice in my life. Both times kept me down for a long time.

I have finally rejoined the land of the living after battling 5 days of the flu. I haven't felt this bad in ages... I couldn't sleep, eat or practically move. What an awful experience. I am glad it is nearing its end.
Thanks for passing it on to me!

I'm feeling marginally better today, at least I can talk a little bit without coughing. I picked up the antibiotics yesterday, but they wouldn't give me my cough medicine with codeine until today. Why, I'm not exactly sure.

Thanks for passing it on to me!
I'm feeling marginally better today, at least I can talk a little bit without coughing. I picked up the antibiotics yesterday, but they wouldn't give me my cough medicine with codeine until today. Why, I'm not exactly sure.
2 day waiting period...like for guns.

I can't help but giggle at the fact that it takes 15 minutes for me to buy handguns in Texas, but a two day waiting period for cough syrup.

I can't buy sudafed here without a prescription. Stupid meth addicts ruin it for everyone. I finally got my allergist to prescribe me a 6x supply for my chronic sinus headaches.

I get carded for everything, so I'm used to that. I just hate having to pay a freakin copay to get a prescription for sudafed. In fact, I feel a bad sinus headache coming on now.

I have finally rejoined the land of the living after battling 5 days of the flu. I haven't felt this bad in ages... I couldn't sleep, eat or practically move. What an awful experience. I am glad it is nearing its end.
I got stomped like that once, and have taken the flu shots ever since.

I swear, it was the closest thing to dying.

I was out yesterday for a severe case of the green apple two step. Must have been a virus because I didn't have anything suspicious.

I feel a bad case of warm weather during golf season coming up on Friday. I think I might have to go "home" and "rest" after noon.

^ Yeah I made a batch of hot fondue a little while ago myself.
We have a swiss recipe for cheese fondue we got while we were in swizterland. we haven't tried it yet though as we can't decide on a fondue pot. Not to mention it will be at least an hours drive to find all the ingredients. Darn small town with no diverseness in culture.
