--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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last night the hubby changed to words to the berserker song...

"You get no kiss good night... berserker

You got pukey sick... berserker

I will not get sick... berserker

just to say good night..."

ahhh and I remember at moments like that when I laugh no matter how much like crap I feel, why I married him.

I guess I belong in here too. Got home from work, and on the walk across the driveway from the truck to the house I was just starting to have the thought, "Hey this is the spot that always gets icy in the winter," just before I realized my feet weren't under me any more.

It wouldn't have been too bad except I had my cell phone on my belt at my left hip and I landed squarely on the phone. Now my hip hurts like hell.

Damn winter snuck up on me and got me this time.

^^ How's the hip?

What kind of phone? I'm about to be in the market for a new cell phone and durability ranks pretty high on my list of wanted features. :D

Can anyone?
I was on the third date with my wife, and we are walking through this old neighborhood in queens, past a goup of old men out sitting on the sidewalk. I let loose a huge ripper and indignatly blamed her.

That was a classic.

The hip is still sore and my arm is getting sore too--must have fallen on it too.

My phone is a piece of crap--Motorola V170--but it was free. I am seriously thinking about replacing it.

I guess I belong in here too. Got home from work, and on the walk across the driveway from the truck to the house I was just starting to have the thought, "Hey this is the spot that always gets icy in the winter," just before I realized my feet weren't under me any more.
It wouldn't have been too bad except I had my cell phone on my belt at my left hip and I landed squarely on the phone. Now my hip hurts like hell.

Damn winter snuck up on me and got me this time.
So how does the vacuum cleaner fit into this story??

:lmao: :lmao:

Sorry .. I had to say it since nobody else did .. :joke:

I hope you are on the mend! :)


damn, will everyone get out of the tunnel?

that's how I feel - like everyone, including me, is stuffed inside a tunnel.

yeah. I have so much pressure in my head I feel it may explode at any time.

and my poor little girl has a cold AND double ear infections.
