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ui saw kevin hart tonight and that was amazing. he was amazing. v funny. i wish i could be that funnt.

i'm just so sad that u;'m missing the colts game that is happebing tomorrrow in MD. sad vee. v sad vee. 

i'm going to just drink another white claw and make some food. happy saturday.#dcdrinkstoomuch

Starting early today.

2 fumbles and 10-0. Poor Vikings.

Why can't the Packers be on Fox?

Edit, 17-0. Time for more booze.

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Not drunk (yet), but after work, I'm hopping on the train to go straight to the wine store to buy some Koloa dark rum, ginger beer, and limes for some dark and stormy's to drown my sorrows.

Who's buying the first round? :dunno:

EDIT: Funny that this was my 20,000th post. LOL

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