The Baking Thread

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I need to make pfeffernusse some time between today and Thursday. I couldn't find mace (the spice) or aniseed at the grocery store... Sooo I think I might try nutmeg. Or maybe cloves, or both? I couldn't even find allspice, god damnit!

For the record, what I need in terms of spices are: mace, cardamom, black pepper, and anise. What I have are cardamom, black pepper, cloves, and Chinese 5 spice (which has anise in it, but also has more savory spices in it so I don't think I want to use it for the pfeffernusse). Advice??

Hmmm, I know in the past my grandmother has substituted fennel seeds for anise seeds when she didn't have them?  For that weird licorice flavor.  Fennel works better for cooked instead of baked, but it can't hurt to try?  As for the mace...I mean, that's a part of nutmeg, right?  Can't you just do a direct substitute?  I feel like that would work?  A 1:1 sub?

Thanks for the input! Yes, I think I will use nutmeg for the mace. I don't know if I'd like to try the fennel seeds... These cookies are for a cookie exchange and I don't have a ton of time to bake them, and then rebake if they turn out badly. Also, I think I'd need to grind the fennel seeds?

All the substitutes I found online for anise seemed to be mostly for savory cooking, not baking. 

Nope, no anise extract either... But I'm checking one more grocery store after work today. If Whole Foods doesn't have it, then I will give up!

I've only ever seen anise sold whole.  Sometimes its in a plastic bag in the international aisle, other times its in the small glass jars.

I have made 3 apple pies since thanksgiving, this was probably not a good skill for me to acquire!

I have anise extract and anise oil.  The oil is terrifyingly potent.  Like, I only use 1/4 a tsp when making my huge batch of Christmas cookies or else it is too strong.  Makes the house smell lovely whenever I open it.  I have no idea how I acquired it but I'll prob have it for the next 20-years if I only use a drop at a time.

Also, I just got a huge amount of walnuts from Trader Joe's...I wanna make oatmeal walnut cookies tonight instead of anything exotic/exciting.

I have made 3 apple pies since thanksgiving, this was probably not a good skill for me to acquire!

My older sister was texting me at 11:30pm one night when she made her first apple did not end well since it was already in the oven and I couldn't walk her through some of the mistakes she made.

negative - it was some good eating. if it wasn't such as PIA to peel the apples I would make this 2-3 times a week!


Oh, oh! Whole Foods to the rescue. I got mace and anise seed there. Then I proceeded to make four dozen delightful Pfeffernuesse.

Pfefferneuse made by me! 2018-12-03.jpg
