The Baking Thread

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My mother used to make buckwheat pancakes and I swear those things would practically mummify me, they were so dry. Ugh. 
Buckwheat pancakes/waffles are P90x approved!

Strangely enough, my grandmother used to get buckwheat pancake mix from a friend, and they were the best pancakes I've ever had.  I never was able to figure out what brand the mix was after she passed, and after trying three or four, just gave up looking.
Same here. My grandma's were made with a mix by a supplier called Arrowhead Mills. 

Good thing I'm not in the South then!

I tasted the dough. That tasted good!
Don’t trust the dough!!!!! I made pumpkin snickerdoodles, tasted the dough, and it tasted so much like unseasoned pumpkin purée that I was gagging!!! But the cookies came out fabulous!!! Magic oven!!

Also, to answer your earlier question about what is the difference between buckwheat and regular honey. Regular honey is usually clover honey (the bees only pollenate/feed off of clover cover crop), pretty mild in flavor and color. Viscosity is fairly middle of the road (once commercial honey you buy at the store starts moving, actually goes fairly quickly). Buckwheat honey is, you guessed it, honey where bees only pollinate/feed off of buckwheat cover crop. Pretty dark in color, almost nutty in taste, and has a higher viscosity than normal honey (kinda moves as a huge blob instead of thinning out as you pour). I actually buy mine directly from a regional beekeeper, so the flavor changes from each variety/each area of the country. I think it’s an interesting substitute for brown sugar, almost acts like molasses and adds a nice “chew” texture. 

...I am sorry about the honey talk. Farming/animal horticulture is something that I’m actually really interested in as a hobby. 

Well, the dough tasted good and the cookies did too! So I think that's a win. 

Thanks for the explanation about the honey! I guess I know most honey as clover honey.

Yes!!!!  I'm so happy your dough came out good!  And most 'supermarket' honey is either clover honey or wildflower honey.  They're really mild honey that are sweet, but don't have multiple layers/intense flavor profiles like other honey.  Plus they're usually not raw, so the pasteurization also strips some flavor away.

And I am thinking oatmeal pie tonight.  I don't have corn syrup, but maybe I can sub with maple syrup to make it really "autumn morning" flavoring?  Convince my office it's a 'breakfast pie'?

@JayKay0914 Cool! The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear pie is Perkins Lol. Whenever I go to any gathering, I'd always remember the dessert and not the people I meet Lol. 

@Dean AgnosticThe first thing that comes to my mind when I hear pie is fur, hahahahahahahahahahahaha.  I try to make my desserts memorable!  I actually got told by people at work that I need to stop baking.  That too much of a good thing is bad, and that their metabolism isn't as good as it used to be!

I actually got told by people at work that I need to stop baking.  That too much of a good thing is bad, and that their metabolism isn't as good as it used to be!
That is so much on them. It's not like they have to eat what you bring in. Bake all day, every day!

I forgot to post my daquoise!  My meringue was so delicate!  Some shattered, a bit, but the final product came out okay?  So I'll take it.



1. I was confused at first at what kind of work meeting you were at that there was open coloring. I then realized it was Thanksgiving. 

2. Your vagina bread looks delightful. 
I mean, I feel like I could color at work and they'd be like, "Yeah, stress relief, I'll allow it".

As for vagina bread...I mean, I think it's more vulva bread, but mom said I couldn't say that around the children.  I don't understand, it's educational and delicious?

My friend made a delightful Nutella pull apart pie and I ruined it with similar words. "Hand me some labia!" definitely works better with adults than children. 

I mean, I feel like I could color at work and they'd be like, "Yeah, stress relief, I'll allow it".

As for vagina bread...I mean, I think it's more vulva bread, but mom said I couldn't say that around the children.  I don't understand, it's educational and delicious?
Maybe your mom doesn't want the kids giving you any lip?
