You can rent the tool from Autozone for free with a deposit (they should have both double flare and bubble flare tools depending on what you have). Same for the bender. Even the cheap cast aluminum ones work fine, they're all I use, even on the race car (the bender that is). Cheapest tubing cutter you can find will also work (mine's from Harbor Freight, but you can also use a dremel or hacksaw and debur if you really have to). Not sure about Autozone, but I know for sure that Napa has premade lengths of brake line with the flares already on both sides in multiple lengths, so just just screw that into your flex line, bend where you want it, and then use that to eye up where you need to cut for your new fittings on the engine bay side. It will take you longer to get the old line unscrewed than to do the flare. If they have the copper-nickel premade lines, use those. They won't rust, and they're so soft and are SO EASY to form. Whole repair shouldn't cost you $25 including the brake fluid to bleed when you're done.
Do not use compression fittings, and do not attempt to drive with rear brakes only.