Taking in different state?

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Jan 13, 2011
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CA Board of Eng told me that with the new system (via Prometric), we can take CA Seismic and Survey Exam at the local exam site (like Florida for me) and we can choose the diferent dates for the 2 exams. Well, I contacted Prometric and Prometric told me that it is not true; they don't offer in Florida, we have to go to CA to take the exams. The Prometric person that talked to me kept putting me on hold to verify the information therefore I am not to sure if she knew what she was telling me.

Do you or have experience with taking the exams in a different state for CA exams? If it is true, then the saving can be great...probably around $1000. Thanks


I can tell you for a fact that the both California Civil Engineer exams will be available at Prometric CBT centers across North America beginning this October. Whiel the California Board has partnered with Prometric for years now, providing CBT services for our Board is still new to the Prometric staff and their company-owned CBT centers as well as the privately-owned CBT centers.

It is my advice that if anyone has any questions related to this subject, to call the California Board for information first.

Ric Moore


Thank you for the reply. Sounds great. I hope that it will be available in my city, FL for this coming October exams.

Will there eventually be plans to roll out to exam locations (not necessarily prometric, but other equivalent testing centers) in other countries? I am expressing interest because my company is sending me to Denmark for the next two years.



The Board is not considering administration of the California state exams at any other locations at this time.


Just want to follow up on this topic. I haven't heard from the Board (CA) about my refiling yet therefore I would like to check w/ you to see when i may register with Prometric. I tried to register with Prometric online but they don't accept my refiling 6 digit no. I was told that they need the NCEES 10 digit no and the last 4 letter of the last name. I don't have those. My last name is less than 4 digit and I don't have NCEES no.

Thank you

To follow up, i was able to schedule at the test site within 20 miles of my home. They have many schedule too. I like this new system......so far. It saved the cost of flight, hotel, car rental...etc... and vacation time from work. Cool

nitewolf, glad to hear you were successful in scheduling for the two civil exams.

For everyone: The Board elected to go with our internal ID for each applicant for the state exams when scheduling with Prometric from this point forward. This was primarily due to the fact that not everyone sitting for the California state exams would have an NCEES number assigned to them. The email and letter sent out to all eligible candidates includes that ID number.



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