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Suits to the far right. Then blazers. Then long sleeve button up oxford work shirts. Then more casual long sleeved button up shirts. Then nicer short sleeved shirts. Then more casual short sleeved shirts. Then nice wool trousers. Then nice khakis. Then casual khakis/chinos. Then hunting paraphenalia. Shorts and t-shirts all reside in my chest of drawers. I also rotate out warm weather clothes in the winter and rotate out the cold weather clothes in the summer. Although in Charleston we have two seasons, summer and January.

Amen to that! Loved wearing shorts in December when we'd go running downtown but man does August suck down there. Even April and May can get quite toasty at times......

I tore a front pocket of my khakis on a bus trip to Notre Dame, about five years ago. I sat down and the arm rest hooked the pocket.

But then the Spartans won the game so I couldn't sew them up. I just wear them to MSU football games. They are fairly light so they are only useable until about October usually.

The rip is just below the belt line and I don't tuck shirts generally so nobody knows.

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Hold my breath while crossing a covered bridge. I wonder how many covered bridge failures had to happen before this superstition got started.

I realized I had a couple while I was fishing on Saturday, probably more OCD than superstitious but I have a lucky anchor. It always goes off the front of the boat. If I use a front and a back anchor I have to use the lucky one in the front, and another anchor in the back.

I realized I had a couple while I was fishing on Saturday, probably more OCD than superstitious but I have a lucky anchor.
Definitely don't want to be messing with C'Town's prized rusty anchor...

It actually is very rusty. How'd you know that?

I'm guessing there is a very crude definition for a rusty anchor, but I'm not looking it up at work.

Chucktown brought up fishing and I realized I have a couple that have to do with fishing.

No bananas on the boat.

Absolutely no landing nets.

I realized I had a couple while I was fishing on Saturday, probably more OCD than superstitious but I have a lucky anchor.
Definitely don't want to be messing with C'Town's prized rusty anchor...

It actually is very rusty. How'd you know that?

I'm guessing there is a very crude definition for a rusty anchor, but I'm not looking it up at work.

Hmm not sure about that but try looking up a rusty trombone.

I realized I had a couple while I was fishing on Saturday, probably more OCD than superstitious but I have a lucky anchor.
Definitely don't want to be messing with C'Town's prized rusty anchor...

It actually is very rusty. How'd you know that?

I'm guessing there is a very crude definition for a rusty anchor, but I'm not looking it up at work.
I looked it up for you:

rusty anchor

Having anal sex and afterwards recieving oral sex.

"After the awesome butt sex, she gave me a rusty anchor"

I realized I had a couple while I was fishing on Saturday, probably more OCD than superstitious but I have a lucky anchor.
Definitely don't want to be messing with C'Town's prized rusty anchor...

It actually is very rusty. How'd you know that?

I'm guessing there is a very crude definition for a rusty anchor, but I'm not looking it up at work.
I looked it up for you:

rusty anchor

Having anal sex and afterwards recieving oral sex.

"After the awesome butt sex, she gave me a rusty anchor"
