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I'm not very superstitious, but I married into an island culture, so I have been forced to adopt many superstitions. The one that I must practice daily, is whenever I come home at night, without the kids with me, I have to wait ~5 minutes before I go inside to make sure evil spirits don't follow me into the house and get to the kids. I don't believe it, but my wife does, so I need to respect that.

Other things include not driving past the cemetery at night, staying away from a particular type of tree (the banyan tree) in the jungle, as it is the home for spirits, and, oh yeah, this is a biggie: asking (out loud) for permission to pee, in two languages, before I urinate outdoors (otherwise I will get some horrible disease "down there", I am told. Don't want that!!).

Cats in the room while you are sleeping is a no-no, too. Actually, we had a traditional medicine woman (aka witch) visit our house once after a string of bad luck, and she told us to flat-out get rid of the cat. I refused, so we settled on the night-time banishment.

We buried a round volcanic stone in front of our house for good luck, and the dug it up and discarded it later on after some bad luck because the family thought it might have actually been a cursed rock.

When my wife was pregnant, I was never allowed to stand in a doorway - get in or out, I was told, but if I just stand there, my wife would suffer a breach birth.

I also was prohibited from wearing hats while my wife was pregnant, but I can't remember why, now.

I could probably go on, but those are all that come to mind.

Have alot of sports superstitions. Clothing: If my team lost, I won't wear the same hats/jerseys/outfits for the next game, or if they won I will repeat any clothing outfit for the next game. I can't buy any new player jerseys because every time I bought one, the player retired/got traded/got injured. My wife is not allowed to watch any portion of the football game. She has never seen the Broncos win ever (live, either in person or on TV, even back when they won back-to-back Super Bowls). She can watch highlights or time-delayed games.

The rest of my routine is more OCD than anything. I have a set routine for showering, getting dressed on work days, the order in which I dress myself.

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asking (out loud) for permission to pee, in two languages, before I urinate outdoors (otherwise I will get some horrible disease "down there", I am told. Don't want that!!).
Who is able to grant such permission without having your bits cursed?

asking (out loud) for permission to pee, in two languages, before I urinate outdoors (otherwise I will get some horrible disease "down there", I am told. Don't want that!!).
Who is able to grant such permission without having your bits cursed?
The spirits! Ancient island residents (taotaomonas), evil war dead, etc. It's assumed that if you ask, it's OK. Sort of a politeness thing.

But you have to ask in two languages?

What if your a native and only speak one? Did I confuse myself...

I had a lot of superstitions when I was playing sports back in the day. For baseball, I could never step on the foul lines or the pitcher's mound when running on and off the field. If I cut my hair or shaved prior to a game and had a great game, I had to keep the same hair length until my luck ran out.

When I was playing football I always had to call "tails" for the coin toss and we always defended the scoreboard if asked. I had to wear the same undershirt for every game and as long as we were winning, I didn't wash it.

Now I have some of the common superstitions: knock on wood, don't walk under a ladder, etc.

My wife is not allowed to watch any portion of the football game. She has never seen the Broncos win ever (live, either in person or on TV, even back when they won back-to-back Super Bowls). She can watch highlights or time-delayed games.
If I tried to stop my wife from watching the Pats games, she'd go Bernard Pollard on my knees and find the first divorce lawyer out there.

When I swam competitively I had a meal ritual. Steak and baked potato at noon, and a box of Jello mix right before I left for the meet. Between the carb loading and the sugar high, I was good for the length of a meet. Big crash afterward if I didn't get pizza by eight or so.

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Taking it to the next level I see.

I'm a Ravens fan so the playoff beard has never lasted me more than 4 weeks. Buttt I can't stand the thing after 2 weeks. Its sooo freakin itchy. I don't get how people can live with a beard every day. Normally I have a goatee normally but that doesnt itch.

I have a thing with placemats...We typically use these burgundy colored once for most meals, but we also have some green ones with the same pattern. I bust them out on Sunday nights, special occasions, or when I make something special.
I think you're confused. This is the "superstition" thread, not the "I'm a homosexual" thread.

With regards to superstitions, I have none. I have some OCD things that I do like how I order my shirts in my closet but that's about it.

I have some OCD things that I do like how I order my shirts in my closet but that's about it.
Okay, I've gotta ask... Order how? grouping? color? etc? The reason I ask... I group my clothes based on purpose (Tshirts are separate from dress shirts.... which are both separate from work (around the house) shirts........ My wife on the other hand organizes her pants/capris/whatever by size, color,etc you can think of..... She even has different hangers for each purpose....

Suits to the far right. Then blazers. Then long sleeve button up oxford work shirts. Then more casual long sleeved button up shirts. Then nicer short sleeved shirts. Then more casual short sleeved shirts. Then nice wool trousers. Then nice khakis. Then casual khakis/chinos. Then hunting paraphenalia. Shorts and t-shirts all reside in my chest of drawers. I also rotate out warm weather clothes in the winter and rotate out the cold weather clothes in the summer. Although in Charleston we have two seasons, summer and January.

No matter what I always drink a beer, or a scotch, or a wine, or some other liquor drink every day, sometimes several.

Not really sure what superstitious purpose that serves, but after a few I don't give a :censored: about bad luck or evil spirits anymore.

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^ Sir you are welcome at my table anytime! :beerchug:

@ dleg: asking for permission to pee?! puh-leeeze :Locolaugh:

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^Hey, if the choice was asking for permission, or having your d&*k fall off, which would you do???
