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Bah, thats junk that jams regularly. Just get the darn printers out...

trust me, I would like to, the decision was made later friday evening, when I wasn't at work. I saw the texts but I concluded "I'm not going to argue with these people via text message while I'm standing in the front row of a concert having a beer."

one never wins in a text argument

Back to the marinade question from yesterday:

I use a little canning salt, black pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, water, lemon juice, hot sauce, worchestershire, soy sauce and brown sugar with the quantities of each variable for the quantity of meet utilized. Soak strips fully submerged for at least 24 hours then dehydrate until the consistancy you prefer (or a 150 degree oven for 6-8 hours with some liquid smoke)

I can see EG trying to text from a concert; getting pissed and throwing the phone onto the stage or into the crowd

I once entered into a work argument while standing in a communications trailer while on a weeklong bike ride. It was dumb to have even checked that e-mail.

I try NOT to check work emails while on vacation; but sometimes it happens

I can see EG trying to text from a concert; getting pissed and throwing the phone onto the stage or into the crowd

honestly- I was more annoyed because I took an "unpaid leave" day since I have only been a perm employee since June and can't start cashing out vacation until september... if I'm salary, and expected to deal with items like that popping up, then they shouldn't expect me to take unpaid leave. (one of my pet peeves)

^ I can see that too EG. I've been in that situation many times in the past. The worst is when your traveling and the office calls to get information that was provided to them prior to your departure (they didn't bother to read the email or look in the appropriate file).

If you're not being paid, you're not at work. I'm paid for 40 hours. No more, no less.

at least e-mails you can ignore, they did this as one of those group txt messages so every time anyone responded my phone was going off... I sent them one message saying that I had suspected there was going to be a delay and planned accordingly so there was a week buffer in there for contingincey and then ended up putting it in airplane mode for the rest of the night

I'm exempt salaried, but expected to work OT (unpaid at the time) with the christmas bonus adjusted based on the amount of OT put in.

A paid vacation is still a vacation, one SHOULD not have to do office work; having them sending emails and calling to get clarification on a minor project detail they could figure out for themselves shouldn't happen.

I'm exempt salaried, but expected to work OT (unpaid at the time) with the christmas bonus adjusted based on the amount of OT put in.

A paid vacation is still a vacation, one SHOULD not have to do office work; having them sending emails and calling to get clarification on a minor project detail they could figure out for themselves shouldn't happen.

I usually get a little OT every week cause I'll continue to work while traffic clears out. Not much (hour here & there), but it'll balance out the times where I have to leave a little early to deal with piss ant contractors, surveyors or other chores around the house.


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